[FM] Hell in a Cell D6 Mafia - SIGNUP THREAD [13/13]

Like, aside from FK as a Judge I’ve never actually seen anyone effectively gladiate on this site, tbh.

Like Anarchy was barely a game, it was fun, but as a misc not a fm I think it would have been more fine with how eevee saw it. I think the main problem with that game was just the lack of preparation as like we didn’t get classes for a good bit.
Rokugan had serious problems, I dont entirely agree with every descision that was made with the review process of that game, as that NK clearly had problems that werent touched. It seems like it was overlooked and it finished a game d1
Do I agree with the demotion, no, do I want him to have a second chance yes, but as Im not in any bit of charge I dont think I have the power. Its like I cant fix this, and I know Geyde was a great reviewer for Jojo, its just idk man it sucks

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I mean, Marg’s Ice Wall was pretty effective at swinging the game

yeah but it let me salvage his slot in vanilla nightless so it was cool

problems with rokugan:

nk. no further description needed
wincons did not represent fact that nk could exist
scum were undertuned but also had ridiculous instant win
kill power roles significantly better than anything else

how I would fix all of these

remove nk instant win condition for claims
remove nk anti-claim
give daigotsu claimvig (likely necessary given the rolling), with spider role being a backup for that. scum might be informed what some of the ‘unknown classcard roles are’
make sure that nk is actually accounted for in wincons
drop in a bit of kp into other clans, make killing clan mostly limited killling

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Come to think of it
Did I put a gladiate in Regal Lions?
I’m too lazy to check

manual like

I think you did not.


Unless Trial By Council counts but uh… it’s something else

add a gladiate and forceroll it to arete or marshal if both arete and marshal are in the setup

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these are all things I thought of retroactively once the game started
my failure with the setup was not having the host lay out literally everything which resulted in me not actually considering the setup enough when I looked at it

the thing about gladiates is that you can also just … normal lynch the person

a gladiate just forces everyone’s hand (and makes it so that further information can’t be used to influence the lynch)

As Noble, find the Neutral killer N1.

Actually no
Trial By Council isn’t a gladiate
It just makes 4 players unlynchable for a day :upside_down_face:

I saw the nk first, raised problems with it, then put it under the bus until later
then later I didn’t go back to it

Teach us how to use a graduate correctly


gladiate a member of the towncore and say they’re a deepwolf

ok so first they call your name

then you accept your diploma and shake their hand

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