[FM] Hell in a Cell D6 Mafia - SIGNUP THREAD [13/13]

If someone rolls John Cena they should open with this link.


:trumpet: :trumpet: :trumpet: :trumpet:

I was definitely expecting a Rickroll

hopefully this will suit your desires, then

this time I was expecting 10 hours of Ayaya

oh, my bad

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I already have the link open, that’s not Ayaya for 10 hours

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In spec chat I will be cheering for the faction with the best gif game

posts only in gifs


I win

My profile pic. You’ll like it I’m sure.

Wish I’d still be playing here, tbh. Last D6 I played I won at MyLo because one player parked his vote on the claimed vig by accident which allowed me and the other two wolves to quickhammer them. This was hilarious.


I’ve played D6 twice

the first time, a wolf was lynched D1, the 1-shot vig shot the CW N1 (which also flipped W), and we lynched the final wolf D2

the second time, town mislynched literally every day, the 2-shot vig shot two town, and the wolves were winning so overwhelmingly that they started giving each other random words like ‘cabinet’ and attempting to draft posts in the game thread using said words, and no one noticed (I was dead at this point)

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wolf 1: The type of $#@! were talking about isnt found in your typical department store.

wolf 2: my analysis says you are correct

wolf 3: bruh tell me the story behind your analysis

im seeing a distinct lack of puns

wolf 1: You guys wanna hear a story?

There was this cabinet which was in love with a chair. However this chair secretly loved cabinets older cousin cupboard. So chair like the jerk they were used cabinet to get to cupboard but it turned out that cupboard loved cabinet. Through this experience cabinet and cupboard got together and they ended up creating armoire.

The end

wolf 2: This story took a bigger dive then a my pastors submarine did when i realized that it ends with two cousins getting together

town: ‘this is fine and these are normal posts to be written in a Mafia game’

Most of my D6s have gone pretty well though.

First time on this site I basically caught all of the wolves after FK found one after rb’ing the NK as the wolves nightkilled an easily lynched VT player when we pretty much had 2 PRs out, so it was obvious that the two wolves were the players that simply were not playing the game.

First time on MU I basically got SPK’d d1. Still got carried, tho.

Second time on MU I made a flawless PoE but got mislynched because the wagon were split and all wolves plus a villa that still had their vote on me from RVS piled on me and I got randed the lynch d1. Still won as everyone followed my PoE.

Third time on MU was that wolf game, so yeah.

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imagine town listening to the reads of dead villagers

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This happens often in MU, especially if they get NK’d.

First MU game: Had good reads (but low posts), misvigged n1
2nd MU game: Replaced out cuz didn’t have time
3rd MU game: was wolf, we got kinda crushed tbh, I dodged 6 ITA’s and my scumbud dodged 8
4th MU game: was Marshete, misvigged n1

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