FM III | Lucid Dreamers | Canned / Dreamers Win

i would have seen where he went and what he did if he wasnt roleblocked
its because i was watching over him

also, howd you get trolled?

and, it didnt happen this time, but i believe because of how i am watching over him, i think that people dont see me visiting him, or doing anything at all in my sleep

I didn’t see PKR leaving his house.

someone visited him and escorted him

what did happen to pkr?

he was ‘escorted’
hence the roses

everyone who visited pkr last night
come forward!

I stayed home and I also gained a passive. but I Think its a really good idea for me to not reveal it


what did you do simon?

i ‘watched over’ pkr
basically, i see who he visited and what he did

Did anyone watch over Orange?

Who did you see visit PKR

i didnt see that, it wasnt given to me
i just get where he goes, what he does, and a bit of other information
i cant get faces though
i can get actions, i can get places, but i cant get faces
so i cant identify people

speaking of which, i would like some protection on me tonight, if possible

Well, considering that what we do at night is limitless that can be anyone.

Where did he leave last night then

no where; he was role blocked. i said that, remember?
do you want the exact words ici said?

not quoted, of course, since thats against the rules
just a copy/paste