FM III | Lucid Dreamers | Canned / Dreamers Win

okay so, the reason i need protection
knowing ici, this is probably going to have to take me 2 nights, or else it wont work
if you investigate me, to watch where i go, it will probably look like, for all intensive purposes, that im asleep in bed.
if im right about this taking 2 nights, i probably wont be able to speak during the next day
if that is the case, i will like the opening day post
please dont hang me

i cant say what exactly im doing, just that i tried to (dont know whether it worked or not) condemn my self to using a single type of ability all game, in the hopes that i can use that ability for stronger things that ici would not normally allow.

Does anyone have evidence? Because I saw snake dreaming about attacking, so I say that they are a nightmare. So we lynch SadSnake.

Well, at least we have a lynch target. However.
How do we know you are telling the truth?

He probably is. my own dream framed me.

Well, you would say that SadSnake.
You are the one under suscipon.

Well, i’m being honest right now~ i could’ve said someone else was framing me, or that unknown was lying.
Then again, i agree with you- i should be the lynch, if no one else has info.

How will your lynch give us info?
There is just Dreamer, Nightmare, and the Restless.

Those are the only classes.

Don’t be so sure… dreams can be almost ANYTHING after all…

Let’s see… there are 2 nightmares, 9 dreamers and 1 restless left. I cannot be the restless, because they have to survive and there is no way you survive when accusing someone wrongly while not being a dreamer.
The nightmares cannot allow themselves to lose one of them them next day, because the remaining Nightmare would have to kill non-stop then. So I am not a nightmare either.
And to all dreamers, please, please dream of something that can be somehow proven at least. And no, something like that what Sad Snake claims to have done is definitely not the right idea.
No good dreamer would waste their night with defending themselves when there are 10 dreamers alive. That is something I would expect from the Restless. Or as lie from the Nightmares.

You can be restless or nightmare~ it’s pretty unlikely, but still.

No. A nightmare would not out himself like this.
There are so few of them.

You never know- maybe unknown is nightmare, and outting himself like this so he is thought as a dreamer. if it’s the case, it’s working.

No Sad Snake. If you’d flip dreamer, then I’d be under heavy surveillance next night.

Well, you’ll still be able to go away as nightmare~ doing an action that doesn’t frame you.
i agree, it’s a very very risky play. but it could pay off.
I imagine i can’t vote myself.

uh no. One visitor to check who I am , a second visitor to remove illusions.

no, i mean, the other nightmare does the kill.

Plus, Icicorp awards good play with little advantages…

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Sad Snake, of course. But me doing something innocent will not make me innocent in the eyes of anyone who checks who I am if I am a nightmare. You just need 5 people to check me: 2 to look if I am a Nightmare or restless, 2 to dispell illusions, and 1 to look who visited me.

well, it doesn’t involve me anymore- it looks like no one has info to give, and i’m the only suspicious person.
hm. i just had an idea for a dream. too bad i can’t put it into action.