FM III | Lucid Dreamers | Canned / Dreamers Win

Another day begun in the town of dreams, but alas the nightmares did not take well to having one of their number destroyed…
’HELP ME!’ A scream comes across town! Everyone rushes towards the source of the scream, in the square outside of Orange’s house, which curiously smells of roses now. However, nobody really noticed that because of the sight in the middle of the square. A shimmering shadowy vortex is right behind Orange, and several scaly hands are pulling him towards it. As he tries to fight them off, more come out, until he is fully restrained… at which point…
A massive club comes from he portal, and cleaves Orange in two… His remains are dragged into the portal, and as it fades only one thing remains in view… 2 glowing red eyes. And just before it closes, a skull flies out of the portal, strangely scented of roses as well. The town are shocked by this development, and what’s more they notice something stranger… PKR also smells of roses…

Orange has died, they were a Dreamer. Both he and PKR smell of roses…

Day 2 has begun. You have 72 hours. Day ends on the 17th of July, 5PM GMT or when majority is reached, whichever comes first. You may now post.

Also, the town notices that a strange man has taken the place of rouge. He seems pretty cool, and a weird feeling means he has 2 votes for some reason.

##Noz has replaced Rouge. The power of Ici means that he has 2 votes in replacement for not having a night aciton last night.


@PokemonKidRyan you smell of roses and the skull smell of roses. Care to explain?

/Vote for PKR

PKR - 1 - Damafaud.
With 12 alive 7 is majority.

Oh wait, the skull is orange’s.


/vote Sad Snake
I peeked into Sad Snake’s dream and they unleashed an army of snakes… Now look at the description above please… Sad Snake is a nightmare!

Sadsnake - 1 - Unkown
With 12 alive 7 is majority.

Hm. Remember that nightmares can also frame people.
Still, what a coincindence that you find just the right person…
/vote unknown

Sadsnake - 1 - Unkown
Unknown - 1 - Sadsnake
With 12 alive 7 is majority.

Its not a coincidence… you did not vote for bob last day, but for someone else. And Bob was a nightmare. So…

I did vote for bob. are you a little confused?

By the way, i just looked at my night result. my own dream actually framed me…
i can tell you exactly what it is, if you want.

welp right Lymphoma voted for you not the reverse.
Still there is only a small chance that you are framed, as I peeked in your dream and the results we saw today match your dream of unleashing an army of snakes.
So… you are suspect No. 1.

Tell me…

I covered my skin in scales, wich i thought would be like a bulletproof vest. it did so, but at the price that anyone investigating would find me as nightmarish.

Wrong answer. I saw you unleashing an army of snakes and an army of snakes killed orange. Just look at the death method we saw.
There is no way that you are telling the truth.
Everyone please vote SadSnake the Nightmare.

Unknown, if you’d be a nightmare you wouldn’t accuse someone that stupidly~ i said it, this was part of the effect of the dream.
When i’ll flip dreamer, you’ll be the new suspect- particularely because your reason to investigate me was shaky at best. but, appaarently, misslynch is not bad. so go ahead, lynch me.

An army of snakes(precisely:snake demons) killed orange. We all saw this in the morning.
You dreamt that you unleashed an army of snake demons. There are three possibilities:
You were controlled, which is incredibly unlikely, you are a Nightmare, I am a Nightmare. I accused you with the state of affairs being horrible for the Nightmares, who lost one member, so you get lynched.

i didn’t dream that. my dream framed myself. you should probably think about that 4th possibility- that i’m not lying.

Sad Snake, you are toast.If you would have framed yourself, then what happened to orange would surely not have happened exactly the way that you dreamed of.