FM III | Lucid Dreamers | Canned / Dreamers Win

and the info i get might prove me anyway

Why are you so paranoid?

Anyone can find out someone’s role.


You can literally be any class in this game.

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you mean 1 of 3?
and ill get more information than just roles

no, people cannot be any class, they can have any class’s abilities


but that why investigation is all the more needed!

You act as if you are the only one capable of investigation.
That you are a special class that needs protecting.

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no, i am not the only one capable of what i am doing
but i will not tell evil how they can cancel it
because they need to do it in a special way, otherwise my action will still go through, and it will appear as if i was asleep at my house the entire night

and if they do it in the right way, it could range from annoying to impossible to stop them


you know what i said

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If you’re too lazy to punctuate your posts then I’m not gonna read them, I’m just skipping the ones longer than 2 lines.

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there is 0 need for a period at the end of a post
i will stand by that
and this isnt lazy, if anything its more apparent and easier to notice than a period; it helps me separate the multiple thoughts i have in one post

you what?

its not my fault if you dont read my perfectly readable posts (the grammar itself doesnt matter that much as long as the meaning is sent, or communicated)

fine fuck it frmo now on imma just say everything i ned to say in one supre facking long sntence with no fullstops and icorerrcnt grammar but hey if you can undsertngand me it no matter right oh wait no it mater cus rlly it is actully really anooying to read shit that in one long line it no matter if it make snsee and u undserdanst what maatters is that you have respecto sufficent for others and write posts in a legible way so peoplsa candi injoy the game

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but my posts do have separations between thoughts/sentences
they just arent always periods
they arent illegible, though. sure i cut corners by doing things like not capitalizing “i,” or using apostrophes in contractions, but im not writing in one, long strung out sentence, or constantly and egregiously misspelling words. there are obvious separations between thoughts, and you not reading my posts is no one’s fault but your own.

ting is tho is tha you not botherng to teak 2 sconds to at least separate sentences shows clrly the game and teh pople here are not even worth that mchu time to you whihc just pises me ofaf a litle bit it is not so mhcu to ask to just put setnsens instead of new lnies it is litertaly the smea amount of tmie but fra easire to read

yes i am
^do you not see these spaces?
and how is a period easier to read, if anything what i do is easier to see than a period
also, the way you are typing right now seems to suggest i am constantly misspelling words. i assure you i am not

we no fight is free cuntry we spkae hwo we leki dan apprently YOUR teh asshole if you tell smoene to wrtie with literacy and nromal stndrds for puncuation and grmmr if i can epka liek dis if i twan two cus we jus haf differnt stiles rite