FM III | Lucid Dreamers | Canned / Dreamers Win

I learned something about someone last night.
But I will wait until everyone posts to reveal it.

well someone locked me out of my house tonight so i couldnt do anything

I’m an idiot.

well, one, thats terrible that something like that actually happened to you, its good that you’re okay,
and two, really?

My Key snapped in my lock

That was what the infromation was, actually.

I peered into your mind last night Simon, and what you just told us was exacty what was told to me.

i didnt mean to be rude about it happening, i was talking about you not realizing that i was talking about in game events

No don’t worry lol I was being stupid.


My action did not smdh

Yeah dreaming of a butterfly was maybe not the best idea…

How do you know what I dreamed about?

can i just say, that these title change puns are horrible? (in a good way)

Because I watched your dreams- you were suspect.

I don’t know why there are still people who insist on doing a night dream that only targets themselves. We need to find scum, and we cant if any dreamer insists doing something self-centered or unprovable.

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Did anything weird happen to someone yet?
I’m really trying to work out what I did.
Hey can someone vote someone else? Preferably not me. I’d like to see if it was a voting ability

/vote PKR

get memed

I swear. If this kills me, you’ll regret it…
My role is the ultimate.

As a dreamer why would you dream the first person who gets voted gets killed.

If you do die and you flip a dreamer I take no responsibility. If you flip nightmare it was purely calculated of course :wink: