FM III | Lucid Dreamers | Canned / Dreamers Win

I was lying sorry Simon. It’s actually orange and Bob who are the same person, I won’t lie to you again I promise. :angel:


I just know who Bob is

I am not that person

Key difference :stuck_out_tongue:

More lies and slander.

ive got my eye on you :wink:

You should that orange is a slippery one.

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no im talking about you
my other eye is already on orange
check behind his left ear

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Say “you” if YOUR secretly Bob.

you, hippo

This reminds me of a role card from a game I played a long time ago

Here, found it

Mild trigger warning, if you care about that kind of thing for whatever reason)

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Spoilers no longer work? Or what?

Some mod fix that if you can

i see what you did there
(because my eye is in between you shoulder and your neck)

/confirm vote FadeBlade

since we are all voting day 1


/vote Nobody


I don’t remember Surveillance being that scary.

Wow surveillance is so me
I do that too

Deleter’s game was 11/10 and hilarious