[FM] - Kingmaker (Traitors Win!)

What eevee is saying is that if all 3 tratiors are elected King, there’s no Evil King to elect.
Problem is people don’t flip upon election, so I don’t recommend that as a starting strategy tbh.

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So basically im electing myself to become less useless? Cool.

Okay guys


For king or kingmaker?

King I said king right?

Why does night have to hurt my brain


Litten For King!

The problem is… As a traitor I wouldn’t want to be kingmaker at all.

Like the more traitors in pool of people eligble for a king the better.


The better for what :thinking:

That is true indeed.

I think I get it now


“Do scum have day chat”

I really recomend this strategy.

Like if 2 traitors are kingmakers, they need to try really hard to swing votes on that 1 person wich is left, while if 3 are able to be elected, town has hard time electing a good king since over half of people is evil.


Has anyone done the math on when the election actually occurs?

@NightX Wouldnt it be possible for a scum to get voted as Kingmaker D1 and then vote for one of their own as King?

Oh wait is there a delay at when the game ends? Which is why Assassin exists?

/Vote Marl

Marl wanna be a. King maker?

First we need guess who are those traitors…
