[FM] - Kingmaker (Traitors Win!)

I love how I act scummy whenever I’m town and I act much less scummy as scum…

I am officially the best FM player.

I’m assuming no one have objections about Wham then please vote him up. :slight_smile:

/vote Whammerist

Since you’re can I ask you a question?
Who did you attack someone last night? :thinking:

Why u do dis

Okay real talk. Why you don’t vote Wham?

I don’t trust Pug or HTM at all.

Also you guys really need to start thinking for yourself instead of just sheeping whoever happened to be the most active decent player at that time.

And what we would accomplish if we voted for yourselves?
The only thing that would happen is people were splitting their votes without a reason.

I’m not saying vote for yourself I’m just saying think about who you vote for instead of just blindly sheeping loud people.

Then suggest someone. Right now no one had any objections about Whammerist so far and i’m gonna be honest none of us is not confirmed.

As it happens I don’t object to the whammer lynch but A) It’s obvious none of you have any objections because that would have to involve not sheeping someone and B) No one will ever be confirmed, except potentially an assassin who will just die.

Hmmm, who said not sheeping is bad? Like now we need to choose someone and it’s seems that a lot of people are willing to vote Wham.
The only thing you would do with no sheeping to anyone is prolong day for no reason.

I’m not saying you’re wrong but there is not much we can do anyway. :confused:

Sheeping mindlessly is a pretty big problem for town. I’m not objecting at all to the whammer lynch but I’m just surprised you all so easily voted him despite none of you having said you town read him. It is a very dangerous mindset.

As I said earlier the only reason I voted Wham is because Marl trusted him.
Since we can’t verify that Marl was town or not, we can’t really said who looks more “townie”.
At least there is a reason behind it compare with the Marl/Parfait wagon.

Same thing with marl swinging the lynch stupidly easy yesterday just by pinging people who normally sheep and ordering them to vote him. Marl wasn’t town read by many other than eevee either.

Thanks. I don’t remember marl giving wham a town read but I appreciate that.


I think whammerist is a good boy