And they are apparently occupation immune.
How they knew this, I have no idea.
They probably converted one person, and seeing how soldier is dead, there are two democrats right now, with the converted one being the new soldier.
Oh fik… the host lied to us!
If the last democrat can convert, then maybe we do need you after all
My useless friend didn’t tell me if they are death immune or not, so I’m not sure if I’m helpful.
I don’t know if this is helpful or not, but apparently that classes name is the President.
We don’t know if he’s death immune, but we know you’re death immune
/unvote Let’s continue the search for the Democrats
We hang Nerbins
He’s lying
If he isn’t lying, we accuse the host of this being a bastard game later
for now, we assume that he’s just lying to get himself off the stand.
I’m just telling you what the Conspirator told me.
Conspirator is a liar too then
And they have no reason to lie to me.
There is nothing to be gained from lynching me since I am on your side.
I tried to bomb Pug because of that.
I’m telling you what she told me!
The President’s a woman?
I was talking about the Conspirator. And I said nothing about them. Ignore the previous post.
Also, they stopped contacting me after night one for whatever reason.
Well… I never forget, the only other woman still alive but me is Celeste and she’s pretty much confirmed