“The sounds of working factories or rattling steel were certainly a sign of the last night”
Day 5 has begun. Majority is 3!
@Margaret @MaximusPrime @PoisonedSquid @psychoneirik @Whammerist
Rekt thats my way out of having to do anything, we have a free day rn
And that last social’s ability makes me feel like they could read our modtext somehow
Option 1. Tw1light is mod-giving them the info as a result of a Democrat passive
Option 2. Whammerist is the Unknown Democrat whom for as long as he is alive, all democrats get modtext of what we doing
Option 3. Its just… bad?
With this info I would actually increase the risk of psycho being the new soldier
Um… I don’t know what just happened, but my occupy immunity was bypassed and I got occupied.
Its my No Bullcrap, Satanism only ability that demacrates non-believers
So now we have a free day to watch the end of man
… Are you shitting me?
No. I legit have that ability and can spam it
Heck Ill do it again tonight
Its just so god damn boring to do though
Cuz I have to send a ritual dance for twilight’s pleasure before she allows it to happen
It can stop attackers, but what’s the point of deduction if you just occupy people every night?
Thats why I said its borint
Decisions decisions… who to lunch
casually starts rolling a dice
Well, let’s go over all the possible claims
Psycho:Citizen turned Informant
landed on psycho