Of course if democrats win they probs get op stuff too
Aight I don’t need to be council then feelsbadman
Still vote 4 me???
what are you
Me too
That unique healer thats lowkey weaker than surgeon
Which is why I want my stuff buffed
sounds good to me fuck it
/something for Celeste
1 Like
okay sure
/electo Celeste
So you become the same class but stronger? I’m in! Voting Celeste though
I can’t deny but also i’m not approving. You will got a diferent role card but you will be still from same faction.
Candidate | Voters | Count |
Celeste_Ludenberg | Celeste_Ludenberg,Whammerist, HTM, PoisonedSquid | 4/7 |
I voted too
Marl what did it do to you
Should we voting up power town or not?
For now we unvote off Celeste until we know what it does
Candidate | Voters | Count |
Celeste_Ludenberg | Celeste_Ludenberg, HTM, PoisonedSquid | 3/7 |
It does not improve your abilities
It essentially makes you a Noble with a night chat and you can pass special bills
Also immunity to death
So do not vote for yourself if you like your class