[FM] Lord of the Rings Forum Mafia - (7/25) - Completed - Mafia Wins!

not to mention thats not why im sr-ing you here
in the posts im referring to you didnt sr me, at least im pretty sure you didnt. regardless i was quoting other things you did that i dont like

this is important tho @Teleology
remember this.
what you mean by what you say, or rather the message sent by your words, is approximately 1000% more important than what exactly you say

look, thats just how I am, okay?
it was sarcasm, slight shade.
I think you are overreacting and using it as an excuse to SR me.

What did I actually do wrong?
I tried to find a way for kai to give us info without claimvig.

you said it wouldn’t work

I give a little sarcasm and shade

suddenly, i am scumread n1.

what the fuck?

What do you mean? You’re not in my scum reads

thats why its not omgus

omgus is sr-ing someone purely because they sr you

I just don’t even care. This game really threw me off for a particular reason

or at least apparently because of thtat

well either start caring or understand that the rest of us care and are going to misconstrue your words

as bad of an ending point as this is, i really need to go to bed, sorry

Yes, I’m aware. I’m not OMGUSing anyone. I was scum reading Boss before he was scum reading me. So hot take: he is OMGUSing me.

implied i was omgusing

alright, really, good night

No that implied Boss was


I don’t think Isengard was a popular map? Also, how could I easily be influenced when I never once change my opinion regarding the map choice? My very first post is me talking about how Mount Doom is an ok choice so saying that I was influenced is false, besides, I don’t see anyone here ever attempt to convince me to vote for Mount Doom

Bring that up with Solic, not me. I was going off of his ISO

You can’t just discredit other players opinion because they “OMGUS”, It’s normal for two people to scumreading each other

I didn’t

why am i not supposed to scumread you for trying to scumread me for a shitty ass reason, hm?

assuming things when u admitted u don’t know how things work, such as

  1. the claimvig. sure, maybe trying to get kai to soft his role without setting off the claimvig might have had good intentions, but why the fuck would he even do it in the first place. there’s literally no reason for him to claim, especially if he’s another ressurector which i doubt bc 2 would be broken as fuck
  2. you then assumed that i was scum for knowing how it works when you don’t. you literally sred me for having basic game knowledge :thonk:

it’s not slight shade bc it really looks and feels like ur trying to manipulate others into scumreading me for that. dunno why you’d be surprised to be scumread when u did all this.

also, it’s d1, not n1.