[FM] Lord of the Rings Forum Mafia - (7/25) - Completed - Mafia Wins!

I don’t want a hard-claim. I just want to know if it’s something like an IC or Mason level of being mechanically confirmable.

Did it Take you that long to write that because you were asking advice from scumchat?

You can say the same with my other post

So you were asking advice from your scumchat to every post?

And What is Her path

Oh, and you are trying to shade me instead of asking something else more useful

No I am openly scumreading you

“Hey mommy mafia, what should I do now?! They are bullying me!”

5 minutes later

“I dont know just tell them that they are wrong…whatever.”

“Yes! Genius!”

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If you think I am shading Why arent you voting me

EG’s posting annoys me as despite being the third top poster his ISO contains pretty much zero solving, and any sort of game-related discussion is purely mechanical shit, tbh.

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Why are you talking about cookies

She is forming her own opinion instead of following other

Because I am not scumreading you?

Why do you think dont be a moron

Does she usually do this as scum?

So her path is omgus? Or What opinion are you talkinh about

Then Why did you Bring that up

Yep. If veterans are level 10 gamers, I’m like level 1.5

Give me cookies

No. I dont trust you

Then start trusting me