[FM] Lord of the Rings Forum Mafia - (7/25) - Completed - Mafia Wins!

It doesn’t seem bad to me?

This is Bree I misquoted

nah you aren’t, you are Locked town I already cleared you I’m hunting wabbits today

wait im confused on how locations work, so if we do rohan now we get 2 lynches the next day, not today? Is the location voting the entire d1?

I still believe in Mount Doom

And just not factoring in guilt being a possibility.

Theory says, saying theory says doesn’t mean you didn’t pull it from your ass.

Vigs cant kill scum only town, i thought it was they kill scum and not town

Rohan seems amazing d2 with a bit more info

i said on that point lol
for most reading im quite weak, admittedly.

in addition, scum cannot kill town.

Sogman are you going to keep ignoring me and forcing me to kill you today using my day vigilante

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There WON’T BE FUCKING VIG GUILT. The game dosne’t pass review if there’s vig guilt. Your view of balance does not work.

So vigs don’t shoot an uneducated night 1. I don’t see why that’s bad.

No that effect is only for villagers i believe

Simon already softed it knucklehead. :roll_eyes:

U dont know that


…Wait, yeah.
Vigs can kill town but can’t kill scum.
Scum can’t kill at all.

This isn’t as good as I thought it would be. However, it’s still going to help sort out divisive slots without scum being able to kill consensus townreads.
It’s worse than I thought but still not terrible.

I think this map is useful for when a lot of healers have died.

I am willing to take the fucking bet because the odds are in my favour and the benefits outweight the fucking penalty.

Nah scum can kill i think