[FM] Lord of the Rings Forum Mafia - (7/25) - Completed - Mafia Wins!

vul, why not let alice shoot you tonight if you are town.

why do you want her dead now?

Why the hell would anyone ever vig themself???

I just went and read everything you said from the moment Alice said she was gonna shoot you and all you did was bitch and bellyache.

She’s scum lynch her! Oh, she wants to kill me, she’s scum! Get her get her get her! Look, she must be thinking about killing me now, she has to be scum! I just know it!

I didn’t see a fucking smidgen of evidence.

I decided we are lynching Vulgard today no exceptions guys explain in a hour when I get back

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I’ve already explained the whole gambit she pulled to you. Basically if you don’t believe it’s a gambit you’re going to think I’m just bullshitting.

It’s not like I can redcheck her since I’m not a cop or anything. Her gambit either works or doesn’t and if people just believe her without question then it’s definitely going to work.

The plan is obvious.

Alice shoots vul tonight
if alice dies + vul lives, vul likely town
If vul dies as scum, alice likely town
if no one dies, alice was occed or is fake
if vul flips town, alice likely scum

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Regardless of alignment or role, you made your own assumption of what alice is and just ran off with it. I saw no quoting or Leads to evidence at all.

This saves info We get from lynches plus do We could be able to get enough votes for lynch today

Okay, neither Vul nor me will get lynched/dayvig’d. Overnight I will use my desperado shot on them. If Vul’s town, I die and he gets peeked green. If Vul’s scum, he dies, period. There’s no fucking reason to lynch either of us today as our slots will self-resolve overnight as long as I get empowered. Got it?


Who should we vote then?

Good. Now that we have that solved…

let’s use this day to maybe flesh out relations and apply pressure to slankers

why is vul likely town if he lives and alice dies? wouldn’t he be near IC?

Correct. If I die then Vulgard will effectively be an IC.

well okay then

I might have misunderstood

if by some miracle Alice is completely legit and I get green peeked I am done with this game

Is alice town or scum?

Ur not allowed to do codes bro


I mean it’s an acronym that i can reveal the meaning of later.

not really codes

I’m going to sleep I can’t even think straight right now bye
