[FM] Lord of the Rings Forum Mafia - (7/25) - Completed - Mafia Wins!

We resolve ALICE slot with an ALICE shot. This isn’t about Vulgard anymore

Hate to burst your bubble, but that’s already incorrect.

Maybe astand is the claimvig? He was around when PKR got shot I believe

-sigh- had to catch up on the last 1,000 posts. Thinking about the Vul and Alice situation — I think it’s mostly independently resolving tonight. I would rather go for a lynch on astand because I hadn’t really thought about his actions being this scummy until Arete brought it up, and now that I’ve thought about it that behavior seems like something a claimvig would do, no?

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What is that?

Your Role Is Not Evidence

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Tele scum.

No matter who is lynched it confirms 2 players alignment

Scum of earth maybe, but if I was scum this game I would be more enthusiastic about playing

Your Role Is Not Evidence
basically im going against people saying that “you cant possibly have a redcheck on me as im town” because that logic is bs
so i started saying “the fact that you know your role is inadmissible evidence” but thats way too long so i shortened it to a 5 letter acronym

Tele alice max kai universal maybe simon

Thats my guess for team

Im off.

Fk, i don’t like your thought process. You must be thinking of some other way to have it not resolve.

/fos FK

time to do homework

cough self-meta cough

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No one else knows my meta because I don’t follow the vet meta that’s why I get scum read

Anyway brb I’m gonna go check something

What is not getting resolved

Vulgard flips
Alice is Confirmed or Boss. Your way is boss flips and Alice or vul is Confirmed

neither do i although i dont think i follow a meta at all
but that doesnt mean you 1 cant be townread and 2 have to use your own meta

honestly considering you’ve never played on this site self meta is even more NAI, somehow

Can I just say that the like limit is really dumb

this isn’t relevant to the thread but I’m tired of wanting to like people’s posts and not having it work because I’m ““out of likes””

hot take: likes should be unlimited

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You are the one who can’t grasp this concept marshal

This is her fourth game on the site, third if you don’t count ongoing games.