[FM] Lord of the Rings Forum Mafia - (7/25) - Completed - Mafia Wins!

Can you simplify that for me xP

Kai claimed his falvor(againts the rules)
he was killed by the mod for doing so.

He turned out to be mafia.


I don’t know. In all honesty this is my first real game. The last game I got bamboozled and revealed to be mafia when I thought I was a healer but ended up being towny. All of you have references or something similiar because you all have played a bit together. I have nothing to go off of but messages that just seem cryptic because of the amount of acronyms used and because I don’t really get all the vocabulary used for the game. Like what does flipping mean?

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Flipping is like, when you die and your class is publically revealed. Flipping mafia/scum = revealed to be evil, flipping town = revealed to be good.

flipping is when a person’s classcard is revealed after they die.

Kai was killed, and was flipped as a member of the mafia

Did kai strike you as particlarly sucmmy or stange?

And this page lists some common acronyms:

Marshal to be completely honest, I only saw very few messages from Kai as I skimmed through the 4k+ messages all of you posted. I guess that seemed a bit suspicious but I am not one to talk because I also post very little due to school and studying. I was able to finish early because the police department’s bomb unit came and presented their robots so I didn’t have to handle much and could focus on doing homework. I just finished

Also thank you for the link

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alright, now would be a good time to reveal to you that i was lying, trying to see how you would react, and see if you might slip up as scum.


Your answer was genuine, and so I think you are legit, and defenitely not scum with kai

kai is very much alive, and hasn’t flipped yet.

Oh, well thank you

The most pressuring and frustrating thing about this game so far is that I am new and so I lack the references and process you all have developed to find a mafia member. From the looks of it all of you play quite a bit and so are able to recognize patterns quickly and form an opinion off of those patterns. And you all expect me to be able to form an opinion as well when I lack that huge library of references. It becomes really stressful

yeah, i understand where you are coming from.
right now, ask the host(or other players) as many questions as you need.

As far as forming opinions, just look at the things people are saying and the way they say them to try to get an opinion.

If you think someone is acting really pure or town-like, then feel free to point that out.

if you think someone is acting fake, evil, or unhelpful, then point that out and maybe even vote that person.

You’ll get better with time

gdi i wont stand for this
kai didnt get modkilled

sorry, my eyes went a bit red there and didnt properly read

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Okay do you belive that I’m bleeding now lmao

a) it was obv a reactiontest and
b) i said it was a reationtest

Thank you very much, if anyone needs anything try and ping me or reply to one of my comments. I am going to be reviewing some lectures and so I may take awhile

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still want reads
still voting you

I’m a bit mad at some irl things so maybe after school tomorrow