[FM] Lord of the Rings Forum Mafia - (7/25) - Completed - Mafia Wins!

It’s never too early, who are you townreading/scumreading?

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Fuck guys i had a great joke but it referenced a lotr character

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Im not sure how long i can last

what’s this

I still think Tele is town anyway but w/e.
We’ve stopped discussing maps. I still think Isengard/Bree are both good choices for D1.
Not as sold on M o u n t D o o m as before. Kills too many town in my opinion before it has a chance to allow us to catch scum.


And you never replied to this. Why are you lurking Ginger?

Hello mister narrator, how are you doing?

Why u bringing it back to maps away from reads da fuck

How’s that arm chair going for you

Geez chill. I’m at work. I can only look every now and then

Ginger basically hardclaimed neutral via perspective and I don’t get how it’s BD indicative.

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I mean town indicative.

Gimme about an hour and then I can sit down and read through stuff

no one was saying it was town indicative

No, I will ensure you get lynched today if this attitude persists and you don’t reply to what I have now asked you twice now.

Ginger might be a good vig shot if his wincon doesn’t align with town.

An hour it is. tick tock.

Anyone want to volunteer to vote count while I sleep until Priestess gets back, please and thank you.

Okay that was stupid. It’s not like he’s going to tell us his wincon if it doesn’t align with town.

Half my life is spent convincing town to stop mechanics talk and vulgard swaggers in with that bigdickenergy talking about maps