[FM] Lord of the Rings Forum Mafia - (7/25) - Completed - Mafia Wins!

Do they get a bonus ability?


“i would say faking goes like this:
Tier 0: new player, fakes knight/princess, doesnt know what to do
Tier 1: played some games, knows the abilities, claims in his class type
Tier 2: more games, claims outside his class type
Tier 3: starts being active in court
Tier 4: leads the court, tries to get people killed in exchange for his life”

half of that is not fake claiming

Get to make sure this setup is as fun as possible for everyone. :stuck_out_tongue:

Thats not true deepwolfing is just as hard as leading and causing mislynches you just need a variety in ur team.

Who actually thinks this post was “neut hardclaim”?
Because this does not make sense to me.

That tiered list was from ToL experience and I was using it on my first game…

No white knights allowed on day 1.

It has nothing to do with white knighting. It has to do with people putting nonexistant meaning into posts.

Guys i know we cant claim rolename but it makes alot of sense for me to do so now

Uhh that does seem like he is softing something that isn’t town imo. He is excluding himself from “town”



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Yes, it does, let him defend himself if it is so apparent there is no meaning. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Also I’m going to be gone now, so others speak up a bit more. Only a few players have really posted something legible and I don’t want things to be buried like crazy (which is going to be unavoidable anyways, but meeh).

This makes no sense, because just a few posts later he insists he is town.

I’m not even saying he is indeed town btw, but that ‘claim’ or soft does not exist.

He already explained it.

I am The Wardrobe from The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe.

All town who visit me have a 50% chance to travel to meet Aslan and im immune to death apart from by lumberjacks and firewitches.

Why don’t you allow him to defend himself and we can determine if his logic is valid? He isn’t a noob or LHF, he doesn’t need you to white knight

Hi, Alice, I’m peeking you tonight.