[FM] Lord of the Rings Forum Mafia - (7/25) - Completed - Mafia Wins!

FK is reading his class card right now let him finish.

I find that highly ironic as I was just looking at my class card again not joking

Anyone that Alice targets is a “self resolving slot”. BS argument.

I’m probs going to shoot without announcing my target. If I telegraph it beforehand then wolves can kill either me if I target a wolf or the conf!town villager if else.

What do you think about Vulgard now?

Yea, no. Also you used up all my ISO time.

@vulgard how much did you think this was going to work on a scale of 1-10

Datbird stopped posting, NAGL to be honest.

In the PoE. Not immediate as him persisting to post even after I mentioned that I was going to desperado him feels kind of villagery. I’d expect him to have given up, tbh.

He’s not the type of guy to give up that’s a very bad read.

They could easily have scum preventive measures against that. The fact that you still think that was legit threatening is just facepalm.

You even named them yourself and why you’re not announcing your target now. You think he couldn’t do the 2+2?

Strongwillers exist. I want to do Boss->Set rn.

I didn’t catch up with the thread yet, but here is the read list that @Arete requested:

  1. SirDerpsALot - slight town | Based on the last two games where Derp has been Mercenary and Ritualist respectively, he is not afraid of talking and influencing the court as scum. He hasn’t been as active as I would expect him to be as scum, but he hasn’t necessarily been pinging me as town either so it’s kind of a slight town read based on the fact that he’s not fitting into his scum/neut meta.
  2. Marshal - slight scum | Marshal does have a habit of leaving “bread crumbs” or whatever, but that is NAI for him imo. He has been more off topic than he should be imo and that is why I am slightly scum reading him. He also makes really scummy shades — like I saw him trying to say that Vul was openly defending Boss as if they were on the same scum team. Having recently been in a game with both of them, Marshal should know that Vul is a good player.
  3. Hippolytus - null | Despite Hippo having a lot of posts, I cannot recall anything significant from them at all really. He has been Vote hopping quite a lot, but Vul mentioned that this is NAI. So I suppose I should keep an eye on him to get a better read later on or something.
  4. Firekitten - town | I like FK’s posts and we sort of mindmelded in our argument in the sense that we were both intentionally trying to tick one another off to get the other’s reaction. Obviously he’s a vet so I will be more wary of him, but I like what I’ve seen so far.
  5. Alice - slight town | I think regardless of my read on Alice her slot should be self resolving, and I liked her responses to when I was scum reading her.
  6. DatBird - null | I’m used to Dat being more adamant, and he feels pretty passive this game. Though it is a game full of a lot of vets so that might be a factor in his behavior (in the sense that he doesn’t lead the show when he’s around other vets).
  7. Teleology — Me
  8. chiangsmokers - null | New player, has barely spoken… not much to go off of really.
  9. SetToBlow - town | Started a push on Solic, which I really like. He is also a new player and has been trying to do ISOs which is very impressive and I agree that a newbie scum wouldn’t do this unless he’s just a natural or something.
  10. astand - slight scum | Hasn’t been very productive in chat, also says that he is going to stop trying because of what happened with people claiming. The defeatist nature doesn’t come from town imo. Also the fact that he was in the chat when the claimvig shot PKR and he has been trying to get others to claim makes me feel that he could potentially be the claimvig.
  11. Arete - slight town | They have been trying to get reads and asking people to contribute. Genuinely seems like they are trying to solve the game and ask for others’ input.
  12. H_Hja - town | Hja is just blatantly in her town meta rn. There’s not much to say
  13. MaximusPrime - town | I liked the fact that he didn’t want to use Bree early on because I had the same idea when it came to that. This mindset comes from town imo, and I don’t get a scum vibe.
  14. Vulgard - slight scum | Interactions with Alice were not good at all, but I can’t help but doubt my read on him a bit since he did apologize for the reaction after getting some rest and it feels like the same shit I would do as town, but I still think he’s a decent shot tbh.
  15. Solic - scum | I hated the two map choices that Solic wanted because I think they are bad for town to use early on. He has not been as solvey as I would expect a vet to be, and my experience in-game with him has been where he is more helpful as town (though Alice notes that he is usually reserved).
  16. Kai_5 - scum | Kai hasn’t been defending his slot very well and also seems to meme less (lack of confidence) in comparison to the last game I played with him.
  17. Andrej - slight town | I’m gonna trust Alice on this one and believe that he is following his town meta, but I do not consider his behavior towny.
  18. Evil_Ginger - town | New player and his reads list was really interesting. Can’t say I would expect that type of reads list from town. He also seems very genuine in his intents and is very honest which I like.
  19. Simon - town | Simon has been a very good mediator and making people take a step back and reconsider things in a different light. I really like his play style and I think he is helping town by causing them to think rationally about their reads and perspective.
  20. Universal - town | Just seems very genuine and doesn’t give me any scum pings at all really.
  21. Boss110 - town | I already explained this in the ISO I did of him, but I believe that Boss is a more inexperienced town and is trying to make reads. I liked his reactions when he was being voted on trial and he reminds me of how I used to think for my first game.
  22. Icibalus - slight town | Reading him as slight town purely based on the fact that I liked his map choice. Mind melded with him on the fact that a mafia map would be a better choice for early game and he was willing to explain the benefits of the map to me when I was confused. Has also been on the same train of thought as Hja with the map and I like Hja.
  23. PoisonedSquid - slight town | Only have her as slight town because I remember a FoL game that I read recently where she was town (I don’t recall exactly which one) and she used a similar style of AtE
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Outdated reads, throw in garbage bin.

I know it’s not going to work. I just don’t want to get lynched by Solic, because while I want him to accomplish as much as possible today before getting inevitably strongman killed tonight (thanks Mordor)… I obviously don’t want him to lynch me.

I’m contemplating what I should do right now. Solid scumread is still on astand. I actually kinda forgot about Squid but she’s still there and I don’t like her. There’s also chiang who I brought up before but it doesn’t seem like Solic wants to vote any of them.

Actually what the hell am I thinking Solic can be wrong and I can be wrong.

@Solic astand, chiang, Squid. Would you lynch there today, yay or nay.
Inb4 ‘I’m not responding to that shit it’s not what I do’

I still want to do Boss first. If he’s V, then go Tele, if he’s W, I’m clearing Tele and we’ll go to Set.

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