[FM] Lord of the Rings Forum Mafia - (7/25) - Completed - Mafia Wins!

Well, a little birdie told me that the ability would effect fk,

But we can wait and see if a random person is confirmed by the VC

IC anyway not your current role my bad

If some people want me to claim, I will just claim, because I need to be alive for 1 night at least, and I don’t care about claimvig anyhow.

I’m on mobile already going to bed, but I don’t like how so many defaulted to Boss. I think Kai is also more of a person to just not interact at all with their scumbuds in a big mash aside from memes.

/vote PoisonedSquid

Does Squid AtE regardless of faction? I remember reading a game and seeing her in it and she is acting similar to the way she did in that game as town

Bookmarked the abbreviations page

Finally we see Dat, I’ve almost started to scumread you.

Hey yall sorry for not being on a good bit so far. But just got home will eat dinner and give this game time now that crunch time on my game is over for the day and I dont feel like shit today.

Among news, Kai got dayvigged and flipped town.

I literally said I was busy doing other crap. sigh
If I say who I am, I’ll either get shot today or tomorrow and that’d be shitty. And if I don’t, then an important class will be gone because a dumbass like me got it

Yeah, kai was town empowerer I believe

Was he anything important? Like a healer or a joat. Can you link it?

He was town empowerer/something else

He didn’t claim so wasn’t claimvigged

Somewhere around 5000 posts


What do you think about this, I give you 30 seconds to respond.

You ruined it :frowning:

So hes a poisoner, did anyone claim poisoned? I know I saw a bleed earlier

Not really.

I think Dat is villager.

Well I do too

But I mean there was a reaction test going

Reaction was villagery.