[FM] Lord of the Rings Forum Mafia - (7/25) - Completed - Mafia Wins!

Basically if I get the hammer I can confirm someone as town or kill them won’t say exactly how it works

Pretty sure Boss is town here and considering the fact that I’ve been defending him for the past 8 hours, I am screwed either way. If he flips scum people will be like “omg Tele didn’t want to lynch Boss she’s confirmed scum” and then if he flips town Alice will be like “omg Boss was town we gotta lynch Tele now because she’s clearly a wolf”

a just beautiful definition
doesnt even come close really to using the word in its own definition


he still does jack shit even when prodded tho

I still think I should get hammer

deja-vu, anyone?

I said Iv been busy the past few days I’m here now


I 3head dont understand

talking about today

we try to get u to do stuff but like

u don’t really do much

I was in the middle of class

im just complimenting you on that definition :man_shrugging:

My hammer is selfish, yes, but the vig shot is more important and I think I am the best one to get it

My hammer ability is worth it. Let me have the hammer

Oh. Ok then! :smiley:

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I’m not going to let people lynch you if he’s scum. Your argument earlier with Boss where he kept calling it a TvT conflict basically spews you as town if he’s scum.

what is it lmao

and i still think mine is one of the better ones @Marshal

i’d prefer to get the hammer today

If boss flips town I’m using on tele if he flips maf I’m using it on Vul

It’s like 10 hours from EOD and I still didn’t get reads

I only unvoted day you to pressure set, but I still want reads