[FM] Lord of the Rings Forum Mafia - (7/25) - Completed - Mafia Wins!

its not that hard!

It’s not really a newbscum thought process either, though.

I just claim waht it does.

claiming the name would be mod-killable

i literally signaled to you that i was on the trail

Oh so I can claim what my ability does but I will be fine as long as I don’t reveal the name?

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when do i ever use the full word werewolf?
never, not really
its always wolfy, scummy, maf, etc

how does that signal, at all?

if you were on the trial, and you knew what it was, why not drop it?

you can
but you shouldnt

i told you not to give more info

You will not be killed by the moderator if you don’t reveal the name or similar things. You may be killed by the claimvig, we still don’t know exactly how much of a claim counts.

Also don’t claim right now.

ah yes, of course.

something very easy to spot

how could i have missed it. you were basically telling me exactly what you knew!

why would i have said what i thought
that would be the same thing as you claiming, had you confirmed it

If anyone has ANYTHING that can make me vig-immune, use it.

you still would get claim vigged

I could have given a non-answer that signals it.

I still probably will get claim-vigged, but hopefully something can prevent that

Alice you say you are going to try and kill a mafia right?

if everybody knows what your claiming, the claimvig can target you

regardless of the wording

So is the claimvig a player or mod?

sorry uni im kinda ignoring you here

No its fine I am asking a lot of questions xP