[FM] Lord of the Rings Forum Mafia - (7/25) - Completed - Mafia Wins!

I just wanna day if anyone is 100% theirs conversion or not conversion based on something you have, I think that would be usefull to out.

see what i meant earlier when i was wondering why you shot tele despite stealing the hammer
i thought you stole the hammer for a hero shot and then you just shot tele

Alright, wasn’t expecting that flip. I was goddamn sure about it.

You know what’s worse though, I’m losing track of what’s going on. It’s not nice to log in, see I was wrong, and then get a bunch of utterly flimsy and arbitrary bullshit directed at me that makes basically no sense. Sorry if it’s my newness intruding here, but these reads are based on practically nothing and they look like deliberate misconstructions or paranoia. In short, it’s awful and I don’t get the mindset behind them.

What is this? How is one sentence overexplanation? What am I supposed to do, flip votes on a dime or sheep? Seems like a bit of a catch-22 here. Multiple people have done justifications just as short (or ‘long’, as you’d call it for some reason) as that when changing their votes with no suspicion.

I am really interested in hearing what you think wouldn’t be a scummy way of changing my vote, because right now it looks like no matter what I did you would still be scumreading me on barebones misconstructions.

Excuse me, what?

Are you actually reading my posts? It’s right there, bolded, and I’ll bold it again: I read Kai’s posts. Did you expect that I just randomly guess Kai’s spot on the town-scum spectrum and post with 100% certainty on the spot from a skimread of their posts?

Okay guys, I’ll see you later since I’ve got to write my doctoral thesis Why Kai was a very mild scumlean, by STB" which will use up all of my daily FM time until D234 to justify an offhand read which probably won’t matter anyway since some people here clearly don’t bother to read posts properly let alone.

Can you actually put effort into your reads?

You’d probably like that, considering that no one knows what’s going on with your mechanics right now.


idk how to do coloured text :frowning:

inb4 Alice “stb outed lmao”.

I’ll talk about it in the morning. Right now I’m pissed and need sleep.

At least she’s getting consistent.

And again.

And the third time, and guess what, this is false too.

My conclusion changed. Therefore, I re-evaluated.

Broken record much?

Just stop. Your credibility is going down the drain and your evidence is based on conveniently forgetting how to read words properly.

/vote Rohan @Luxy @Geyde @anon97870008

Let’s actually try and get some decent information and reads going today and drop the superiority complexes.

I need to sleep now. I’ll probably chime in with a read or whatever I feel like doing then depending on where the thread goes.

Hja: Super easy metaread, has a wolfmeta of being incredibly lurky to the point of almost not existing.
StB/Ginger: Both newbies, which changes how I read them a bit, Ginger’s weird-as-heck way of posting reads is attention-drawing enough that it never comes from a newbwolf and STB wallposting in his first game basically confirms him as town.
Kitten: This is the one I’m least confident about at this point, Kitten’s posts feel natural enough and they’re contributing strongly enough that I’m townreading them but I’m starting to reconsider that read because Kitten’s a vet.

to be fair he might be doing that as either alignment, I don’t think he ever rolled scum here
correct me if I’m wrong because I don’t actually know

what do you think about STB’s post just above you

I have yet to see Hja’s scum meta in action unless she’s scum this game
if she’s scum here then this metaread is invalidated completely

Like, they don’t really post much and when they do it’s pretty indirect posting. It’s pretty much why they’re either locktown d1 or the d1 wolf lynch.

Hij and me are masons so u can put us both as lock town

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And clown fiesta

You didn’t write a single post after you were converted in Clown Fiesta.

I did

I lost when i claimed mech info on Ici

that meta sounds like a disaster, if Hja changed it this game if she’s scum i wouldn’t be surprised

can you invite me to your neighborhood
it sounds like a memefest and i want to join in

My read on Ginger isn’t a meta-read, it’s more based on how newbwolves tend to play – newbies who do attention-drawing things, even/especially when they’re scummy attention-drawing things, are vastly more likely to be village because 99 percent of newbwolves basically just try to go under-the-radar and not get caught.

As far as I can tell the actual content of STB’s post is basically ‘Alice is being a jerk’ which I don’t really want to get into, reads-wise the emotion there looks genuine. The only way it’s remotely possible for STB to be wolf here is if he’s being coached, and that sort of raw anger would be basically impossible to coach (and also not what I’d expect a coach to tell him to do). So yeah, weirdly enough it’s strengthening my townread on him.

Its not neighborhood Its mason

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I can guarantee you I am town here

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And hippo too

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i’ve always thought masons had a chat and were thus in a neighborhood
is that not a regular thing

Dont read too much into it. I’m just an idiot.