Coach Hjasik needs to stop sitting there and watching me run around like an idiot in this FK game promise me.
No one shoot Hijask hes TOWN
How many times a game do i forget lol
I think Dat may be a wolf here. So far I’m not liking his D2 being that he’s again making these walls with little to no conclusion and not having any follow-up to his questions.
He’s also not being as active as I would expect town dat to be
/vote Datbird
/vote Dat
I would like hammer today.
But what if I want hammer
as would i but im trusting fk pretty hard right now and according to him his is pretty important
Stop trusting FK that never ended Well in mashes
I want hammer off mafia dat, if he flips scum and I get hammer we don’t lynch squid
Give me a TL;DR with emphasis on whether Hippo’s gladiate on me was real or not.
Not real
It is real
It’s totally not real don’t worry about anything Icibalus everything is 100% fine yep
Everything hippo says is false except for Mason/empowered occupation apparently
okay fine maybe Mount Doom was bad but how was I supposed to know?!?!?!??!