[FM] Lord of the Rings Forum Mafia - (7/25) - Completed - Mafia Wins!

That’s a bold misassumption to make.

**/vote icibalus

/unvote icibalus**

I prefer the term spicy.

I’m not joking I saw a slimmer of Icibalus soul and it was red he’s a wolf.

Town(in order):

  • Hja- Greencheck, after the town shot and the pushes on me day 1, i checked her and came up as town. Like yeah what else do you write for a greencheck.

  • Andrej- Most improved and even though its not much I see him trying to make reads, and this is way different compared to MGS. This has to be town without a doubt.

  • chiangsmokers- ez town, everything after I called his weird posting out has been natural. He hard claimed a parity cop, he gives no fucks. Lets hope he comes in and gives us some results

  • Hippolytus- Legit have been liking this man, he feels apart of thread constantly unlike Ritual Mafia. Dont know if I trust the masons per say cause the team memesky interactions day 1 didnt feel like they were masons but thats prob just me. DO trust both the mason claimees themselves but the not the masonry itself.

  • Vulgard- Alice push feels very tunnely similar to his Kai push in clash of cults. I again dont agree with it, like CoC but if that games anything to go by this seems town.

  • Astand- His reactions to the Alice info today felt like genuine emotion, he was moving his vote around day 1 a lot, dont think scum would be that switchy and be more focused on getting one person lynched.


  • Alice- So like why didnt she shoot, she didnt feel she need to, does that make her scum, no. Is it why she is a lean now compared to just town yes. Does the toxicity make her scummy, no. She did the same thing Swords and Staffs as town.

  • Firekitten- The confidence I saw in thread has diminished as day 1 and 2 has gone on, I want to beleive FK is town cause my gut screams it, but he hasnt done jack. Gonna keep him here due to Gut-o-nomics for now, but this one is plummeting by the minute

  • Simon- I made an ISO, go read it. It fits meta, even though he hasnt brought the much to the table readwise.

  • MaximusPrime- He always seems lost when entering thread which means hes prob not informed by any scummates.

  • Arete- Been kinda solvey as of my remembrance from day 1, enough to get a townread, but I cant remember much of them today, so thats why I dropped them to the lowest townread I have


  • Evil_Ginger- High Poster, low content, couldn’ tell ya a single thing hes really done this game. But idk hes seems comfortable in thread,

  • Icibalus- Mount Doom will get us info, and yeah that didnt happen. Idk feels lackluster this game. Also really appreciate the shade man, like I get it my Luigis wall was bad.


  • PoisonedSquid- Her push on Alice was considerably the weakest and worse of the main pushes on her today, like i felt she joined on cause everyone else did. Prob my weakest read but id say the smallest of scumreads.

  • Marshal- Honestly it one major thing that he did that makes me scumread him. Its the Maximus push D1 he did. It felt oppertunistic as hell. Not liking him.

  • SetToBlow- Biggest advocate for a Solic lynch D1 for some god knows reason, otherwise has he done anythng of note, prob not, throwing him in scum.

  • Universal- I couldnt tell ya a thing hes done. Hes new but like where is he? At this point idk can a slankvig get him

  • SirDerpsALot- So something I noticed is

this. So the three main things I have picked up from him this game, is Alice and Vul is not scum for gut reasons but very hard defends them, I am scum to him because I havent been able to put as much ime as I would like, and conversion, conversion, and conversion. How dont u know if theres conversion if ur abilities make sense with it. Its odd.

Why cant u tell us, its a simple yes or no if ur abilities say they stop conversion, why would there not be conversion if ur abilities make sense with them. Its odd. Plus other than that I couldnt tell ya squat that hes done.

/vote @SirDerpsAlot
Is there conversion or not, stop playing games and be flat out with it. Also come give me your top scum and toownreads

I see invest hardclaim

Oh my goodness Dat
do you really think making these kinds of posts helps you when you’re a wolf when this is the third time I’ve caught you on one of them?

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checked me when I was in my town meta lockscum

you also shot town and stole hammer

what world do you check HJAISK

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Lol dat okay

Wasn’t Tele suspected on Day 1? She didn’t shoot a massive town read

Wait was that what your were typing up all this time?

thanks kitty

Datbird you know that you check null reads not scum reads that’s a bad check and I don’t believe you

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My stance on conversion is exactly as I said, it would make sense for it to exist but I’m not certain. One of my abilities is much weaker if it dosent

they were a null read to me, they fit town meta sure, but they had scummy shit they donee thta brought them to a null read to me

/Vote datbird

You can die sir

I shot person we agreed on and why would hammer be scummy