[FM] Lord of the Rings Forum Mafia - (7/25) - Completed - Mafia Wins!

Do you know how that impacts people like me?

It’s a claim game

I frankly don’t give a shit. Every time I play in this community it fucking sucks because people don’t bother actually fucking reading and do stupid ass shit like lynching a self-resolving villa who just hard-pushed wolf KP.

I sleep now

@literally everyone

I’m at work still but can we please. stop. insulting each other.

@Alice take a goddamn walk or something, come back when you’re calmed down, I promise you’ll be better off for it.

Point is, playing here just fucking pisses me off and I have no fucking idea why I just keep returning.

But that doesn’t give you the right to use derogatory insults on anyone you please! People can get really hurt from that. Why don’t you go be in their shoes and tell me how you would feel if they said the same thing to you?

can you all stop


i am fed up with this.

Just let me fucking self-resolve. The reason I didn’t outright claim I was a Hunter was because I still was trying to bait wolves to attack me. Do you understand this shit now?

This is a community to include all kinds of people and using that type of language basically breaks that crap apart. Why don’t you just calm down and step aside for a few hours?

WHY WOULD YOU THEN not claim hunter if you were baiting a claim vigilante

Because I already claimed Desperado.

That doesn’t make sense, you said in a post that you refused to claim because you wanted to skirt the claim vig

Are you dense? I fucking said that to bait claim vigs trying to kill me on the desperado shot. I softed my Hunter role as a means of trying to get you idiots to understand what I was doing while at the same time not having to out that I was a PGO.

Here’s the thing I wanted to bait night kills and claim vigs but outright claiming Hunter would make wolves avoid me at night. So I had to outright claim Desperado while softing Hunter so the wolves wouldn’t catch it.


Why would you not want to put yourself as PGO if you weren’t planning to bear another night

I beared n1.

and that explains nothing