[FM] Lord of the Rings Forum Mafia - (7/25) - Completed - Mafia Wins!

Oh yeah @BlueStorm your vote’s still on me from my predecessor.

What are your thoughts on that vote?

*your predecessor, sorry. Tired right now.

I have no thoughts on that vote yet.

I will see tomorrow.

As I have now woken up from my nap with a bit more semblance of rationality, I must apologize for my rash and stupid actions. I have made the game less fun by revealing information in a way that doesn’t help anyone. I would exit the game normally, but

A. That wouldnt be fair to the ones i screwed up.
B. That would mean i wouldnt learn much from my mistake and may do it again.

So…I will try to be a little more helpful from this point on.

Sorry @Kirefitten for my stupidity.

Idek what ginger did lol

Outed his neighbor chat.

They outed something I think

Yeah wait, who was it with?

FK is there at least.

Legit didnt even notice lmao

Finally getting around to this.

He wasn’t obvtown to me for the reasons I put down earlier. I’m not sure what there is to discuss, aside from me saying that my read was affected by a total lack of knowledge of Solic’s town meta.

You said it yourself earlier, why would I tunnel a consensus town unless I disagree with that consensus? I thought his reads were scummy and weak as were his interactions with Kai, but it turns out that might’ve been normal for Solic.

No one’s actually discussed the specifics of my latest ISO anyway so there’s not much to address .

So likely people can be added if a townread is on there

@Evil_Ginger let’s make it a towncore chat if I can be added

Add me and hijask too.

I already have plans for tonight. Perhaps tomorrow.

You already have a chat(I believe)

Let me have one :unamused:

nope, already asked

Like a mason chat.
This is not shading

Cant have a towncore chat without hijippo

Why ask?

Lol @ maxi outting hes a killer

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