[FM] Lord of the Rings Forum Mafia - (7/25) - Completed - Mafia Wins!

It’s a lesser of many evils situation. We can never be too prepared for possible outcomes

Mordor bad Cuz all evil people are there So We shouldnt choose it

maybe good in Lylo, but otherwise, I just don’t get it.

Rather try to lynch me then, at least there will be a chance to look at my wagon closely.

I doubt mafia have converison in a game with specific flavor like this.

Golem is deffo gonna be 3p antitown with some memey wincon calling it now.

in the op it mentioned the ring corrupting people, don’t know much about lore tho

If it’s good in LyLo then it’s good for town lategame and you’ve just confirmed my point.

I think Mordor is the worst map though, so i wouldn’t want to use it if we don’t have to

or rather the first post of flavor

But I agree that it would be the best to use it early if we have to use it

How is mordor the worst wtf

To be fair giving someone a vig early on is better than giving someone a vig in LyLo. Less risk involved + town still has the opportunity to guide the shot.


Isengard and Mines of Moria are both waaaay worse than Mordor.

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/vote mordor

Not to mention healing prevention for all mafia is much worse for town later on when the likelihood of getting saves is higher. Consensus town are basically guaranteed to die if this map gets picked later than D3.

how about we don’t strongman mafia kill


D1 mount
D2 mordor
D3 rohan
D4 minas

With Mordor scum will self hammer if they are set to be lynched

Reminder of the time where I think mordor is most acceptable.

really, I have 0 fuckin clue wtf hippo is on about but it could be good