[FM] Lord of the Rings Forum Mafia - (7/25) - Completed - Mafia Wins!

You were redchecked And now at L-4

By who?

I can use my ability again to prove not converted

I decided to not Continue this reaction test

Oh so reactiontest

She’s selfish because she thinks she’s a better reader then everyone else in the game, I mean I see why. Everyone doesn’t seem to have good reason for reads, she seems to be accurate on every read ect. And when you are better then everyone else in the game you start to change your play style to see what works. I think alice wanted to see what she could get away with.

The funny part about this is, that her confidence is her down fall. And when things don’t go her way, then she starts to mock people and insult them for not being good at the game when it was her fault in the first place.

The sad part about this is I totally see where she is coming from. When I got considered good at the game it felt like everything was so obvious that I hated the game here because it felt like everyone didn’t try, and I kind of still feel like it. However I started thinking last night about this and I came to the conclusion that it’s not that people don’t want to try, it’s that they don’t know HOW to try, and thus seem to be looking like they aren’t trying.

Even if they asked around 5 experienced players on how to play, they would get conflicting answers. It’s because everyone plays differently. If you ask Alice how to play the game they would tell you to use meta and look for the motivation the player has in the game, if you ask hippo he will tell you to just explain everything you did clearly and you will never be mislynched, if you ask me I’ll tell you that is depends on how you want to play the game.

I mean just look at us. people learn based off others as well. But most people here act differently that they get so many conflicting perspectives on how to play the game. Then you realize what’s the problem is. People are expecting you to walk over a tight rope without ever being taught how, and then you fall so many times you really don’t know how to get over to the other side so you just sit in the same repetitive mode each game not willing to change anything because it’s comfortable.

Maybe I’m wrong, maybe people here just don’t try because they don’t want to or they think it’s too hard. But I think the solution to this is to just stop complaining about people falling and actually doing something about and helping teach people instead of just calling them dumb for doing something.

When Alice started complaining, it made me think of this quote and I tried finding out why people don’t “try”

“When you complain, you make yourself a victim. Leave the situation, change the situation, or accept it. All else is madness.” Eckhart Tolle


I have one question for a few people.

What about blue’s enterence was pure?
It felt scrambley to me

Why does it feel scrambley

thank you for this post

He comes in, says “yeah Alice was lying, here’s what really happened”

Just kinda redid all of Alice’s work to be townread.

It just felt off to me

quote those posts that make you feel that way

Feels fakeish here.
Why even say this?

Seems to know a little too much for a backup

He goes a whole new direction, this is NAI here.

I think it makes sense for blue to have a scumchat in this scenario.
They know to much, knew what to say a little too easily. The OH PSYCHE feels fake.
I don’t like it

and I’m on mobile

Why would he say this if he was town?

This isn’t a rhetorical question

you do know backups are typically expected to have at least a general idea of what’s going on in a game they’re backups for, right? doesn’t end up always being the case here but that’s the idea
blue has clearly been following the thread considering how quickly he reported in for replacement after the request was made
that doesn’t make him scummy, you’re really reaching here

Well maybe he really didn’t understand.
But he could have just said “oh, I thought my card worked like veteran” and not


the fact he tries to clarify Alice’s mess immediately is super towny
i’m not sure how you’re reading this the other way can you explain your thought process better

maybe not the fact he tries to clarify but how he clarifies doesn’t read as scummy to me at all

Actually, I cant(don’t have time)
I’m sorry you are so fucking set on Alice town.

If it weren’t for derps, I would 100% peg you as her scumpartner

I can’t do this when walking down the halls I have to explain this later