[FM] Lord of the Rings Forum Mafia - (7/25) - Completed - Mafia Wins!

But they have other abilities.

mirkwood sounds pretty good if we have a poe for today.
i personally don’t have one yet unless i make people switch places and put all my townreads in the poe instead of my previous scumreads.
actually maybe that would work

excluding hja because hja is obvtown

Same, hence the reason why I am following hja who is so confident

Hola, amigos!

I think I should get caught up

The title is right. Silence.

Also, what in the everloving fuck are wolves doing?

No nightkills, and then presumably a claimvig on chiang immediately

Might have missed it. Results?

Yes, yes you should.

I skimmed.

Right? We were about to lynch him for inactivity or being scummy

Or at least I was

Yeah. My highest scumread and top push is shot.

What is that about?

I was occupied despite mafia being occ immune last night so scum have occupier

It’s okay. We are sheeping hja to get a Mafia today for sure!

No reason for town occuopier to occupy last night when mafia are immune

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@PoisonedSquid who did u occupy?

Who else claimed occupier

@andrej who was occed

Astand I believe
