[FM] Lord of the Rings Forum Mafia - (7/25) - Completed - Mafia Wins!

Or me


It looks like the claimvig can only shoot once a day, so you will be fine today.

And like any other day because wolves can’t be that bad

So this obviously isn’t the only thing I can do but my infinite use night ability lets me target a dead person at night, letting us exchange a 1000-character message each way (like a cross between FoL Priest and FoL Prince), N1 I linked Tele and N2 I linked Sol. Obviously I could just make up the contents of the message like the time when Alice faked Priest but Tele said that PKR said in deadchat that if I wanted to prove I could do it I could tell you that he said to make a comment about the ‘TPs on me’ PKR meme/quote/I’m not really sure. I have no idea what that’s referencing but he said he said that the veterans would know what it means. (Obviously this wasn’t the only thing either of them said but I don’t know how useful Tele’s reads from that long ago are going to be.)

I’ve been pushing Blue this hard today because apparently Kai slipped in a way that spewed Alice/Blue as scum when he saw Solic’s flip.

also Solic’s ability is basically a better version of mine, I promise I’m not bitter

i wanna talk about max
would he really do the same thing as ici if he was scum

part of the case against ici was his attitude toward the thread and lying about not reading it
would max really do the same thing as scum when he knows it was a bad look for a town member

i think the fact he doesn’t care is town-indicative

So like me

wait okay bad timing


you do know that meme was used in this game right
if you were reading the whole game carefully you wouldn’t need to consult a dead person to learn that information
kind of a weird way to prove yourself using information already available in this thread without consulting a dead person

did solic tell you that?



to be fair we’ve been assuming the scumteam isn’t very smart so maybe he did exactly that
it’s hard to say. i’m under the impression we shouldn’t make assumptions about the scumteam’s skill

Like I said, it’s not 100 percent clearing because there’s no way to prove whether or not I just made up fake conversations that didn’t happen.

Thats Usually considered towny

Where is this kai slip

In dead chat

arete is saying it happened in deadchat when solic joined the deadchat after getting nightkilled

Like basically the way Solic explained it is that Kai saw Solic’s flip, assumed no one was left who could talk to the dead, and made a comment that spewed Alice as scum

i don’t know yet but arete’s claim is something i 100% didn’t expect
not sure if it’s a good thing or a bad thing


you know what bothers me

is the fact that you didn’t tell us that right away and instead was saying stuff like he’s contradicting himself ect ect

Didn’t do do e who can speak to the dead already die or could The Ret not speak to the dead

When you have some sort of mechanical lead it’s generally better not to out it right away and to push it for other reasons, because that way you get more associations, like in FoL 22 when I didn’t immediately out that Alice was K/O until I specifically had to.

did solic use any of his abilities?

Yeah, but you waited untill after you were scumread by most, seems like a last ditch attempt to get blue lynched instead