[FM] Lord of the Rings Forum Mafia - (7/25) - Completed - Mafia Wins!

…I double-checked, Solic really didn’t say anything about whatever it was that you softed.

Well here what it is:


This was a town reaction.

I think arete is telling the truth

Also, I think arete is also real because of the high-kai thing.

I don’t think that’s something arete would make up, but I do think it’s Something that would happen

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i say aech*-jay

*which is the better way to spell saying h out loud just sayin

/vote bluestorm

Town arete = blue scum.

I am confident on my andrej read, but, if blue is town, we have arete and andrej as scum.

At least 1 scum now, or two later

People who say H as haych piss me off.

I prefer the español version, hache

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One in the hand is better than two beating each other off

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At least I think it’s hache

Wait that isnt the phrase

It 100% should be lmao

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one in the hand worth two in the bush

i KnOw ThAt

if your spelling the spanish version of H in english, its a-che

its just the correct pronunciation for a different part of the world. leave them alone

I didn’t.

And now everyone does.

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dude. i pronounce it aech.

let them pronounce it haych.
its fine

Yes I know it’s “a-chay” I just love using my very limited knowledge of Spanish In my dialect

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So hache it is