[FM] Lord of the Rings Forum Mafia - (7/25) - Completed - Mafia Wins!

I am taking Hammer My ability is important



To paraphrase Luxy, I can ask ridiculously contorted questions if I want, but if I’m clearly trying to abuse it he reserves the right to interpret it in an aggressively literal way so as to make the answer useless.

(…I had had this great plan where I’d assign different number values to statements, and then I’d ask if the number value of all the true statements summed to greater than some other number. This is apparently not how I’m supposed to use the question.)

Can I revote?

Its also self resolving

Yeah, your vote is fine

Literally ask if a group of people have scum in it and list everyone who’s in the town core

/vote blue

can we stop rushing guys

No, I have to go soon, and blue left so theirs no reason not to.

Who are we thinking of as ‘towncore’ here?

also, would we rather I do that or get Chiang’s result? I don’t think I can use both in the same night.

No I need to Take the Hammer Its important

Oh yeah chiaga answer is more important

I am actually serious rn

why is flipping arete better than flipping you and shooting arete for town, without using YRINE in your evidence

its relevant, but only in how it would affect an alice’s likelihood to be scum. it doesnt continually affect how likely blue is scum.
i.e. it does have an effect on the slot, just that that effect is fixed, and wont interact with blue’s actions. since blue didnt do the first actions[quote=“BlueStorm, post:13195, topic:78152, full:true”]
Just as a pointer, unless you’re scum, you’re not getting hammer privileges on me, those would be better directed towards Arete’s wagon.

either your saying only scum is allowed to hammer you since actual town wouldnt do that, which is just not necessarily true, or your saying that town shouldnt vote you for hammer since your town and their hammer passives wouldnt work. which is YRINE and so that shouldnt affect anything on their end.

i will, thank you :+1:

thats not actually evidence.

no, but it still helps. just because you sont have to technically doesnt mean you cant/shouldnt

that is straight up incorrect. because the other arguments aren’t always founded in misinformation. you forget that the other players are people who can make logical deductions the same as you, and as such sometimes they can be incorrect, even if they started with the proper information. and the only way to effectively get people to change the way they think is to give them a proper argument that shows them why what they’re thinking is incorrect and what is correct, and why. just shouting at them accomplishes nothing. if nothing else, i disagree with this post of blue’s more than anything else he’s said. it doesnt necessarily make him scummy, but the logic is straight-up incorrect.

if you continue doing this i will systematically ignore anything you try and say, since this is the kind of backing it has.

saying its something doesnt make it so and you have done nothing to effectively convince us so exactly why should we listen to you for any reason?

please dont make this slot get replaced twice in the same game

they may be, sure, but here i am agreeing with them, and i dont tend to do that

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Hjaisk there’s more important hammer passives then you rn

Simon can you vig Hja >:(

aka what devolved from me catching up in this thread into me being angry at bluestorm

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There isnt I know that mine is better

That’s what they all say