[FM] Lord of the Rings Forum Mafia - (7/25) - Completed - Mafia Wins!

Did hammerers get passive ability


It’s just an upgrade of my normal abilities

Aka was blue scum?

Oh I thought you got another shot

Vul and derps did u guys get ur hammer passive?

Wait how did you get unable to investigate from vig

I would like to add I did nothing last night because I completely forgot, and I don’t have anything that would make me unable to be investigated, so either Sir is lying or someone else blocked me or something, which makes zero sense.

Unsure. His body was wiped clean, sir! We could find no traces of the body’s identity nor his allegiance!

  1. SirDerpsALot
  2. Marshal
  3. Hippolytus
  4. Arete
  5. H_Hja
  6. MaximusPrime
  7. Vulgard
  8. Evil_Ginger
  9. PoisonedSquid

@Hippolytus this should be accurate I think

I want to know why Blue was cleaned in the first place. It’s most likely the Mafia did it, but can Mafia clean their own scum mates?

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Shouldn’t we have 11 players

forgot me ):

My ability is to check someone’s alignment, my passive will attack someone if I get mafia check the next night

Nah but hammer passive only happena if u get scum

Hammere shld know

Oh nvm op wasn’t updated after lynch


that explains why the numbers were wrong

You seem to be following the ways of your predecessor


Whod u replace again?