[FM] Lord of the Rings Forum Mafia - (7/25) - Completed - Mafia Wins!

Just feels convenient.

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Claimvig was kinda up imo

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What does?

That he died after using all uses

to be fair what if conversion forces you to sacrifice a member

so it’s 1-to-1

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Also the ring thingy

No I was saying it feel convenient that hippos abiltiy is limited use

He died attacking

that would actually make the most sense to me if conversion required you to sacrifice a member

Could it be he was converted so he’s claiming limited use

do we know that 100%?

I think converter has ring and uses it to convert. They can not convert in exchange for buffing other abils.

It makes sense

What would the convert be

I aint no gill thats for sure.

if conversion works like i say then either:

  1. converter is still alive alongside a convert, starting scum number was 5
  2. converted was bluestorm and the sacrifice/conversion is a day ability, starting scum number was 4

the second option is better for us since it means there’s only one scum left who can’t convert
the first option is a bit more problematic and forces us to lynch the converter as soon as possible

What if they attack simon FK guarded Simon and luxy didn’t make knight bypass strongman wich meant he killed both FK and simon and died

Didn’t Datbird have some sort of ability that let him search for the ring?

it might be someone near the top of my earlier list
i seriously doubt it’s you and converting ginger makes no sense i think
maybe squid? i don’t know
there’s always something that seems to contradict what i’m thinking of

I’m thinking hippo is converted