[FM] Lord of the Rings Forum Mafia - (7/25) - Completed - Mafia Wins!

I don’t lie about promises.

I’m legit important for once.
Please ffs be fake Hip.
But at the same time if it is, f you for making me react this way.

We legit need this man dead he’s straight up lying to our face now

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this seems like a good time to just leave

I want to scumread PKR, but rn I kind of think that he isn’t bullshitting.

I literally came online to read up.
Saw I got 3 notifications.
Checked them out and then had the world crash from underneath me.



hes so emotional right now that I’m not used to it, I’m used to him straight up trying to convince you using a “sliver tongue” and he’s just talking from emotions here

I’m not lying.

You want me to understand your sadness? You think I’m going to sympathize with you? I swore to protect my daughter and my friends. If someone puts them in danger, they must stand aside or be cut down! Come on! Let’s go!


Get dayvigged bro.

Maybe it’s because I panic in situations like this…
Because someone could outright screw town for the rest of the game

No. You didn’t.

If these are both legit I’m going to be pissed.


Astand, everyone just fucking stop.
I need to go offline before I have a damn panic attack.

This is great

Where my facepalm emoji at

It’s not.


I disagree it’s highly hillarous

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I’m dying of laughter over here.

