[FM] Lord of the Rings Forum Mafia - (7/25) - Completed - Mafia Wins!

Whyyyyy are you rolefishing

You are a hypocrite.

Was thinking of this as well.

I’m going offline for a few hours.
F this, f all of this.

I’m not rolefishing or asking for a claim. This is really damn weird.

In my head I keep pronouncing gladiate like glaciate

/vote Bree

Fuck this.

For the record PKR claims retributionist in about 50% of games.

It self-resolves anyway.

Hippo a vote for Bree is a vote for freedom.

/vote Bree

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Sorry if it upset you, it was just a meme/test.

No way town PKR would claim in hippos claim to gladiate


What makes you say that?

Wait a minute

Because hippo memes all the times And he knows that

/vote Bree

Thinking we should just yolo lynch a null read since PKR looks to be a legit ret, tbh. If they’re town then PKR will bring them back and we’ll have them modpeeked. If not then that’s a wolf down and a null slot resolved.

Is there a character who revives people as zombies and them turns them into their side in lord of the rings

-sigh- we’re gonna fuck this game up by choosing Bree so early