[FM] Lord of the Rings Forum Mafia - (7/25) - Completed - Mafia Wins!

this isn’t a Breely good idea


PKR will probs get claim-vig’d if we don’t, though.

Ah I am unfamiliar with that

He would be attacked at night for claiming?

Inb4 we all choose Bree and then PKR is dayvigged immediately.

probably shouldn’t discuss the flavor stuff my bad

Bree only works tonight.

Hes either gandalf or full of crap.

Lets lynch alice theyre either confirmed by pkr or dead scum ez.

Lets lynch luxy

I have a better idea, I’m putting explosives next to Alice tonight and then I’m placing them next to their town reads.

As I said before. I can pretty much mechanically resolve my slot. Obviously I’m not going to broadcast what my role’s about, though.

Lynching you mechanically resolves your slot as well.

I feel kinda bad for pkr now. It was pretty hilarious but he seemed legit hurt like id killed his lost puppy or something.


Or spend a lynch on a wolfy/null player that can’t be mechanically resolved?

I don’t feel like Gandalf would revive people, would they?

stop discussing flavor

Idk who else would tbh.

Idk if you are allowed to guess others flavor, OP just says you cant claim your own tbf.

It’s probably part of the dont go against the spirit of the game