[FM] Lord of the Rings Forum Mafia - (7/25) - Completed - Mafia Wins!

Sarun evolved into Alice
htm evolved into Htm
FK evolved into a v.good player according to many
Most of the players participating in FM right now are players who weren’t there before, so we’re in a different stage
MaximusPrime is still MaximusPrime
There was some drama but I guess it’s considered ‘in the past’ now
There are new mods and old mods kinda went bye-bye, same with old hosts
Basically the community’s almost entirely different now and it feels refreshing in a way.

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Deep into helm

I’m not sure how this is related to the game but I think this is everything I can list off the top of my head.

is this a good thing or a bad thing :thonk:

Community turned into a meme

Probably a good thing. I find it funny how easily you call people ‘bad’ and get angry when people are scumreading you.
I’m just always hoping you don’t actually mean to kill the players.

You seem to be the closest thing to a new Margaret

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Alice vs Arete, go.

That was a top 10 anime plot twist.
Okay I’ll stop now.

can’t guarantee that

(just joking, but hippo does the stupidest things for no reason and it’s annoying when he’s supposed to be good)

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Arete personal question, how likely do you think people are going to listen to you pushing Alice. This isn’t meant to discourage you, I’m sure if people try hard enough they will lynch Alice. I just want to know how hard you think it will be to convince others to lynch Alice.

“one who wears a wool coat does not become a sheep”

~me, just now

This wording rubs me the wrong way like townsided being a bad thing somehow. Someone tell me that I’m reaching here.

Like “Bruh” makes it sound more excited.

And this is also looking at the mafia perspective again.

I feel like I need to stop getting AI things out of mechanical mumbo.

I would feel bad about focusing on a mechanical post, but then these are the only “reads” in a while in which two of them are immediately retracted. One is on a slanker and one is an acknowledgement of just not being able to read them.

Then comes a wall.

Did anyone actually read this and came to the conclusion that Marshal is scumhunting? Jesus. Extremely strong scumlean.

Kinda just deflecting of how horribly I’m openwolving after that. God.

And then this 180, with saying his reads aren’t important again and EVEN saying that actually lol maybe we should just lynch vul, the one that they just LITERALLY bolded as a townlean.

Hippo, jump in my pocket.


@Marshal why is your ISO a dumpster fire?

I don’t think ‘don’t try to lynch scum because they’re strong players who are typically hard to lynch’ is good advice, like, sure, she’ll probably be able to talk her way out of a lynch but that doesn’t mean I’m not going to push her.

also it worked in FoL 22, admittedly I had a redcheck but

Jesus, put such things into spoiler tags.

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I never said anything like that. I asked you how hard it will be. If you knew my personality I would 100% lynch them if I thought they were scum despite the people who say don’t lynch them because they are good players

@Luxy /vote Helm’s Deep

I’d expect it to be fairly hard, since she’s a strong player, but I think most people overestimate the extent to which she’s supposedly “unlynchable.”

lmao there’s been games where ppl considered lynching her d1 or d2

it’s not as hard as u think sometimes

Kind of wish we had a map vote count~

Town points for whoever makes one.