[FM] Lord of the Rings Forum Mafia - (7/25) - Completed - Mafia Wins!

oh god it’s the devil himself

Fuck it. I just want a map.


I’m more worried about people thinking you are unlynchnable in general when it should never be that case. That means that there’s something wrong with this forum that needs to be fixed ASAP

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Part of me wants to try to get people to play better on this site

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Level 4 scumreading

Arete’s push on Alice is weird as hell and weirdly timed too. I don’t think scum would’ve chosen this moment for a push on her though. It seems like it would’ve accomplished way more when we could actually vote people and form wagons. Right now it just… doesn’t do anything.

…Wait. Why a push that doesn’t do anything? @Arete
Is Alice your top priority lynch today?

I’m just peeking Alice N1, don’t worry.

But you still havent told your reason for townreading squid

hmm bree seems good but i feel like it’d get more value later on

using it right now seems like a huge waste

i would rather have helm’s deep or rohan (or even minas tirith or rivendell today)

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can we save bree for later guys

no, I refuse to think Alice is unreadable. People shouldn’t have to rely on a peek to determine someone’s alignments. It’s the lazy man way out and it shows that you don’t know how to scumread if people need to rely on a peek to determine someone’s alignment:

This isnt meant to stop you from peeking them, this is meant to stop people from trying to just give up on reading them

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Good job, you’re actually making sense with your map choices unlike Squid before who just said ‘not choosing Bree because… no, not choosing Bree don’t choose Bree.’

Speaking of which, your thoughts on Squid? Not a very long ISO

So basically play mountainous And PoE

I was joking anyway. I don’t consider them unlynchable at all, but it doesn’t mean that I want to lynch them in this game D1.

FFS. I’m pushing the person I think is scummy, this sort of “oh but it can’t possibly do anything because she’s Alice and unlynchable” is a terrible attitude to have and one that basically lets her get away with anything because everyone else is too scared to actually push her.

And she is at this point, might change if someone does something scummier.

That’s… not why I asked this question. Alice is definitely lynchable and I’ve lynched her before.
It’s more like I don’t know what you’re trying to accomplish with this push.

solic is making a wallpost on me i can feel it coming

Or maybe because people don’t think I’m wolfy? I’ve already said that I’m self-resolving and this means that I’ll never end-game if I’m scum. Why are you worried about me?

Can we please stop softing? If there’s a claimvig you’re basically attaching a giant target to your back.

Why did you ISO me specifically again because I found the timing really odd