[FM] Lord of the Rings Forum Mafia - (7/25) - Completed - Mafia Wins!

I wanted to do something as far as an ISO.

My plan was to start with townreads(you, hippo, etc) and go from there but i got sidetracked

Tfw FK ignores you

It’s understandable, I would’ve done the same thing if I were FK.


…I’m trying to push a scummy person, who I believe to be acting scummy. Are you saying that if someone is acting scummy I should just ignore it and … do nothing? push towny people?

We can do Rivendell but have me hammer so that way I’m guaranteed safe tonight and I can guarantee someone else be safe.

Hard to say if Arete’s a tunneling villager or a flailing wolf here.

Like, the sheer amount of pre-flip associations was just bad, but at the same time it can also come from a villa who just can’t let go of their belief that their target flips W. It’s kind of why I want more time on them as well as Solic and Squid.

Kind of fixated on Boss rn considering that I don’t see any redeemable feature in his ISO.

meh that means i’d have to go iso her bc i’ve barely seen her talk when i was on

just seems to really care about map choice and said something about not wanting a cult game for some reason?? which i don’t get but w/e

personally, i don’t think that their invest succeeding will be that big of an issue bc what i know of consigs all you can really do is rb them so like they’ll succeed unless you manage to block them somehow anyway?? not too big of a deal and if we do save bree then we can use that later

mafia being able to bypass immunities tonight won’t really do anything too i think tbh, because i doubt that they’ll want to really commit to anything they don’t know and it’ll be mostly luck on d1/n1?

wait nvm pkr is outed

Be specific about my “complete departure from actual logic” please. :wink:

Also since when is me being passive aggressive scummy.

Good that you bolded it or people might have missed you repeating it over and over. I am still quite set on what I said in my first location wallpost and I’m sticking to that. So fite me.

I have a vehement hatred for this post.

Announced pressure is no pressure. Taadaaah, my whole playstyle. Welcome. Feel free to point out town games where I was scumread, where I wasn’t defensive, because if you scumread me, you’d best give a good argument or I’ll bite your head off for it.

Don’t encourage flavor claiming.

Nuuu uuhhh

N O.


Have you even played with me as town recently, except Short Fuse, which I think is a different ballgame, because I legit felt Kyo would never detonate me there. I distinctly remember not being keen on sharing reads in last FoL, where I was town. I just plain don’t like being asked for reads, because they will come when I feel like they should be out there.

I’m spewing some reads out now (even though I still have a list of chores I’m literally ignoring now) because I will not be lynched today and realized that if several “decent” players are scumreading me that I must see some merit in what they say and I hate it.

Hey Vulgard, meet RVS. Being compared to PKR is also very rich. I think our playstyles are completely different. Boy I am sure doing better with not being overtly defensive huh. :smile:

Oh good, you’d be on board with lynching Marshal? :thinking:

I think that was all posts that scumread me. Feel free to ping me for more.

These are the abilities.

u say ur outed pr, are u just outed as pr or did u already claim?

and tbh, i dont really trust u quite yet if i dont konw what u have done

Dont waste my favorite map

he claimed doc-ret

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You see I liked your post until you said this.

No way that read was RVS. No way in hell that was RVS. That defense is bs.

Also don’t try to AtE because I hate AtE.

why would he claim that early wtf

You call this a rant? I call this caught scum. So shape up and post real reads or I will make it my mission to get you killed.

I don’t think Alice would claim class that’s easily confirmable if she’s not easily confirmable. Also there’s a difference between claiming an easily confirmable class to get an extra day, claiming an easily confirmable class as NK just to make a bold play, and claiming a confirmable class as group scum. Claiming a confirmable class as group scum is just really risky and doesn’t seem to provide too many benefits.

The player list is really long and there’s a lot of inactive, so I will make a proper read list as I get more info and the PoE narrows a bit and everyone gets to speak.

That being said:

My top three town reads so far are Hja, Ici, and Vul.

Hja has been proactive this game and she usually lurks more as scum. Her meta is fairly easy to read I think so I will follow this up later. I don’t have much substance for this read as much as it is a gut feeling.

Ici has been thinking in a similar way that I have been thinking with the mafia maps, and I like that he has been standing firm about his map decision rather than abandoning it or sheepish a different one. I have never played a game with Ici before, but overall I’m getting really good vibes from him and I like that he is not afraid of straying from the general consensus.

Vul has been acting the same way that he plays town imo. He is trying to be leader-esque and considers different perspectives with a rational eye. I think he will provide a good voice of reason for town, but ofc we will get more info from him during the next phase.

My top two scum reads (not everyone has spoken so I am not going to make 3) are Boss and Andrej.

I agree with Solic’s ISO on Boss that the outlook doesn’t look good. He enters the chat by going along with the popular maps, but then is easily influenced into changing his opinion to vote for the amount Doom map. He is sheeting, and that does not read as town to me.

Andrej I have never played with and I don’t know his meta, but I just can’t stand the fact that he entered the chat by voting Bree. It bothers me so much because Bree was not my first thought as a towny at all and I am only starting to warm up to it now because of PKR.

please do
ill be watching :eyes:

Again we can do Rivendell which saves Bree for later on but still gives me the protection if I’m the hammerer.

if any of yall can provide these examples that works too tho