[FM] Lord of the Rings Forum Mafia - (7/25) - Completed - Mafia Wins!

Not my circus not my monkeys

im just not liking pkr at all chief, his insistence on getting the hammer even if it is a rez kinda irks me

What about the clowns

They ran away

Yeah but this is exactly why I don’t like you, you admit the fact that the Rez part is what makes him want it and then you say it’s scummy. It doesn’t make sense.

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I am personally very angry by his choices

I don’t think PKR should get hammer, but I don’t think this push on PKR is completely townish

Rivendell is good later game. Like, I get your point tbh but at the same time a few people suggested we may have Lookouts or other protectives so we can afford to save it for now.

This is assuming that we don’t have a claimvig, or if we do that scum cannot bypass heals/immunities/whatever.

Pretty sure we have a claim-vig. Like, it’s pretty much needed for role madness games of this size otherwise there would be too much mechanical confirmation.

could easily be a scum trying to get a good hammering passive

EXACTLY. This is why I was pushing Kai so hard to answer what he thinks I may get.
Who except scum would be against someone getting free resurrects?

Oh no im scared.

Actually because PKRs pressuring me ill claim.

Im a town-aligned God style role, but only if im alive D3. If im alive then im informed of everyones alignment and flavor.

Also as long as im alive no dead interaction.

Also from n5 onwards i have tracker ability.

Also i have a passive which lets me shit bricks at ppl preventing occupation.

So all healers on me guys, I PrOMiSe iM tElLiNG tHE TruTH IM imPoRTaNT

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I think PKR just screwed town by outing in a way. Because now it is unsafe to choose certain locations. I’m not saying we should lynch him now, but nonetheless I’ll speak my mind

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But tbh, how many people are gonna have a role that shoots through healing or protection?

or could easily be an actual Rez. You know what’s a better fake claim

Claiming a passive that doesn’t auto confirm you as town but is super good for town

I’m so f’ing close to just replacing out.
I’ve already had more than enough of this shit.

I’m going offline for a while. Peace the f out for now.

Then why were you scumreading us? Are you letting your anger influence your reads?

thats an overreaction.

what places are “off the table” with PKR’s claim now


im not deadset on pkr=scum, i just kinda dislike it.