[FM] Lord of the Rings Forum Mafia - (7/25) - Completed - Mafia Wins!

Your choice essentially gaurentees that we lynch a villager and get absolutely no information from it because there’s no counterwagons.

It’s legit wolfy that you haven’t thought for more than 5 seconds about the actual consequences of what you’re proposing.

Majority with 25 people is 13 if I’m counting correctly.
If the wagon ends up being town it’s going to be hard to find the scum on the wagon, but not impossible; we could always try establishing a PoE between the voters on the wagon.
I disagree with Ici on majority being absolutely terrible, though I still think plurality is better.
Not sure if thinking majority is better D1 is AI.

The Shire gives everybody the Loved Modifier, meaning we’d need 14 votes to lynch.

There will be more of an urge to push a counterwagon, because there will be an actual necessity to have one with majority. I think majority shows truer colours and you can fite me on it idc.

I won due to it as scum in Random Rolemadness 3 and staunchly keep it within FoL, so I’ll stick to my guns, but realize I clearly won’t be able to convince the lot of you in the time that I have today, nor will have it that large of an impact that I should focus on it.

Oh, it has its’ merits as a format, it’s just not something the villagers should ever voulentarily have D1.

i’m sorry, you think that something that helped you win as a wolf is good when you’re supposedly a villager?

Weewooweewoo scumslip

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I’m sorry, R E A D, I won due to it being plurality there.

dude that’s literally not what the sentence fucking means

Okay so it looks like me and Ici both read your post that way.
Weird kind of meld but I’ll take it.

Both Icibalus and Solic are idiots and I want to know why they are behaving like idiots right now

Both their map choices are awful

The implied subject of “it” is the system of majority, not the system of plurality, especially since your use of it in the following clause implies it to be majority.

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Okay, I guess the former means plurality and the other references majority. XD

The point is still void as there was plurality in Random Rolemadness and you’re just splitting hairs here.

you’re awful

no u

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Then choose another one.

I’m not, because this is not a natural grammnatical error. No person forgets the subject of a sentence halfway through, not even somebody who isn’t a native english speaker, because there’s no language where the implied subject in a sentence changes from clause to clause.

It dosen’t categorically prove you’re a wolf but it is hella unatural.

Choose mountdoom