[FM] Lord of the Rings Forum Mafia - (7/25) - Completed - Mafia Wins!

Someone said everyone is voting Mordor I think, so I guess we are scumreading everyone who isn’t on the Mordor train :eyes:

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Additionally, I really want Arete dead for this. We saw what happened to PKR when he tried to self resolve, didn’t we? Why the fuck do you want a repeat of this?

Obviously you shouldn’t out your class, I’m not an idiot, I’m just not going to automatically believe that claiming self-resolving makes you confirmed.

The moment when I give my cookie to someone else


Not buying this shit. If you didn’t want me to out my class, then don’t start pushing this matter d1.

Encouraging sheep?

Shhh just let them fall for it.

You’re fighting over cookies:
me: :cookie: x :infinity:

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Exactly, glad we are all on the same page.

I! don’t! want! you! to! claim!

I’m just saying that I’m not going to automatically trust you just because you claim self-resolving, literally anyone can claim self-resolving and it doesn’t automatically make them town.

I think arete vs. alice is TvT

They both bring up good points on how
a) claiming self-resolving isn’t automatically town
b) we shouldn’t claim d1

that cheating :angry:
dont you know you get a glitched cookie if you cheat in cookies like that?

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What is self-resolving again?

Yeah I agree.

I imported them

I think Arete and Alice is TvS

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Then why the fuck do you keep pushing a player that claims to be self-resolving d1?

This will only result in me being lynched, and to avoid this I’ll have to claim and get shot before I have a chance of being useful.

From where

I think you’re scum tbh.


Which is T and which is S in this scenario

and why is it TvS