[FM] Lord of the Rings Forum Mafia - (7/25) - Completed - Mafia Wins!

Mafia get two factional kills

Not for Mordor I dont think?

Yes, for Mordor.
Check it.

Mines for Moria has the double Mafia factional kill

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I’m pretty sure it’s Mordor.
I checked it earlier— wait oof. It’s mafia kills bypass everything.

Yeah I want to get rid of that shit

Bypass healing + immunity.

Not visit prevention + redirection/occ

Even better forgot about that bit

i kinda try and go for a CGP-grey kind of vibe

FireKitten showed up as I searched for him lol

inserts link to Danny Devito on How to Organize Receipts

really? they kinda sound… cheesy to me
like someone who just set up a prank for you and is really bad at hiding it so theyre just standing there with this grin on there face like “go on, open the present! im sure nothing bad will happen…”

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“Gotcha! The best game of all time is - Bookworm Adventures 2”

oh i didnt realize those were reads i thought he was describing how people were in general

wait do most people not verbalize posts in their heads? is that not a thing?

I’ve never really given it much thought until today.

But I need sleep for I am the weak

hello boss :wave:

I am at 1800+ post currently

I don’t like Squid post so far, but she is known to AtE as either alignment so meh. I also don’t like how Alice is just too confident about being able to easily confirm herself and if I remember correctly also said that Arete read on her “won’t help us”
The fake(?) day vig from Astand on PKR is just suspicious, even more suspicious when he do it after Hippo fake(?) gladiating PKR

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You forgot Magnus.

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This is the first time I see you post

I’ve posted a lot!