[FM] Lord of the Rings Forum Mafia - (7/25) - Completed - Mafia Wins!

why’re u guys using bree up this early too tho

feel like there’s at least one scum in here tbh

Updated Readlist

Hippo - He is just obvious town and I am sure you guys agree with this
Arete - If I were mafia I wouldn’t push Alice here, ever, and definitely not on the early day
Hjasik - Meta blah blah, she seems more carefree than usual and is not trying to stay under the radar (Not that it would work). Don’t think I have seen her push anyone today yet though
Vulgard - His post are clear and thought-out, whenever it’s about map or read. Also gut
Firekitten - He is not trying to make some crazy plan or send people to their deaths. Think he is town here
Marshal - Based on his interactions with Magnus I will say he is town
Evil Ginger - His post feel really pure, as if he just type whatever he wanted to, this is mostly gut read. Also I like his post where he compares each player to cartoon/movie characters

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Also, since mafia already used they dayvig I think it’s safe to vote for Minas Tirith?

/vote Rohan

Since apparently I unvoted and didn’t notice

On second thoughts, while being able to use day ability for free is good I think roleblock effect is much more useful later on

mafia can too

I know, unless whoever have dayvig that shoot PKR today flip this map is just too risky

Why do you think this?

I think scum have limited use dayvig with some restrictions (Like, target player need to claim etc), it would be too OP otherwise

Just dropping in to say I have read thread and it’s still early days.

Let’s see, shall we. Blindly pushing for Shire because it has a “Townie effect” and completely neglecting one of its’ traits just because he likes Majority only, talking about how he keeps back his villagereads because he wants people around him to be nervous, and most damningly of all, supposedly not having any actual reads despite repeatedly going off on how Vulgard is definitely super wolfy and stuff and we should lynch him by the way.

Can I stop?

Oh, alright then. Ignoring any dissenting setup speculation because it’s not how he’d balance things, being passive-agressive even beyond his usual nonsense, seemingly ignoring Hippo despite Hippo’s post-count being pretty good at the time, and most of all his reads just make absolutely no fucking sense.

Nottice how his style of reading is to go and look up things as Interesting™ and then do absolutely fucking nothing with them except for say “I actually thought they were villagery/wolfy at the time btw” with absolutely no justification? That’s what we call a complete departure from the rails of logic.

Notice how he not only disagrees with Mount Doom but literally thinks it’s a giant attempt to literally scam villa into a mislynch (LUL) and killing things and wolfreads literally anybody who supports it?

also he misused lamist and that’s bad mistake me-no-like

I can go further, by the way. And I will, becuause Solic’s going to fucking claim that this is misrepresentation as if I’d be so obvious as to manufacture fake reads with anything that’s not actually there.

Basically, either Solic’s just pulling reads out of his ass because he dosen’t actually know how to read people or because he’s a wolf, and I’m leaning towards the latter.

What do you think about PKR

I don’t think because I’ve been asleep and haven’t read any of his posts.

He claimed ret

Had a look at Ici’s arguments for Mount Doom up in the beginning of the thread and I’ve got to agree. Intel and a bit of fun chaos with the wagon effect without really affecting vigs, or at least that’s what I’m getting with my very limited understanding of the meta.

/vote Mount Doom

Maybe some reads coming later idk.

1200 posts?
You guys are joking.


Also why are two people dead what happened.