[FM] Lord of the Rings Forum Mafia - (7/25) - Completed - Mafia Wins!

We are now gladiated

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Never be afraid to help a townread of yours apply pressure.

I am serious

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i genuinely feel like my hammer ability is one of the better ones rn tho

why should i help u anyway this is like th second time u spoke to me in this thread

Who do u shoot?

I really don’t think the specific type of memeing he’s doing is scum-indicative. Newbscum faking reads don’t go say things like ‘Alice is like Jesse from Team Rocket and Arete is like a robot, here’s what I mean by that,’ they just don’t, because newbscum is trying to blend in and that sort of bizarre post is literally the opposite of blending in.

Sigh, whatever. I kind of am tired of scumhunting rn as way too many people are just not fucking playing. I’m probs just going to create a townbloc of strong villa reads and then begin lynching outside of them.

This is basically what I have for town rn. If you see a player that you have a really strong idea of being town just ping me and I’ll evaluate your case.


Marshal/PoisonedSquid - Resolve later.

Ginger probably town based on what the cookie does


I don’t see him making a big deal of the cookie thing if it’s real and he’s mafia

I think avrej and marshall are both town

Solic’s response is typical of his play this game; he gets really angry and elaborate at some points and then just makes oneliners afterwards.

He seems to give up a lot, and just spout out keywords, and whenever he gets more advanced, he makes elaborate repsonses that basically amount to “no u”.

got some targets in mind, but i was gonna wait to see more posts bc day pretty much just started (well the lynch phase at least)

potentially boss or arete

also partial to shooting marshal or andrej just to lower lynch pool

not too confident on the more skilled players yet, but we’ll see

honestly it’s starting to come across that he’s just playing really badly this game because this is getting a bit ridiculous at this point

Oh look around 15/180 posts from Ici are not on scumreading me or saying how Mount Doom is GOAT tier.

Why shoot arete?

Kind of not fully sold on Squid as well being that she claims confirmable. Would just force her to claim tomorrow or something like that as she’s basically in the “wolfy posting, had done nothing too villagery pile.”

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backwards so u cant get killed

also i really hope ur memeing bc this post is stupid as shit

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Alice if you were to be converted could you confirm yourself as that role

This obviously seems terrible important. I’ll get to it later, because atm I don’t know what you’re talking about.